SpiderDAO introduces Liquidity as Utility (LAU): What exactly is it?

The success of any decentralized project depends greatly on the fundamentals of decentralization; privacy, proper governance, and security. Passive income and other incentives are there to afford a more rounded user experience. On the other hand, the financial success of a DeFi project relies on the amount of liquidity the user base has access to.

SpiderDAO understands the developing and evolving needs of the decentralized market; thus, it innovated a platform with a structure that nails the fundamentals and efficiently provides lucrative incentives. The platform further provides a program, Liquidity as Utility, focusing on constant liquidity provision in its ecosystem.

The Liquidity as Utility (LaU) program by SpiderDAO is the embodiment of a truly decentralized platform. It stands beyond current offerings in the industry in terms of utility, effectiveness, and efficiency. LaU is also a technological marvel that changes the governance structure of the platform to better suit users of SpiderDAO.

Why LaU?

LaU is designed to benefit the entire blockchain community. As more people participate in decentralization, privacy and security increasingly become essential. Using VPNs is one of the most effective methods of safeguarding your browsing; however, there are numerous caveats associated with using mainstream VPNs.

SpiderDAO, through LaU, offers a VPN experience that also doubles up as a potential source of income. Users can access SpiderVPN for free by simply staking Spider tokens (SPDR) worth $500. The service is targeted at improving the DeFi experience of its users and the overall decentralized experience of the entire blockchain community.

LaU for You

So, what are you getting by participating in LAU?

By staking $500 worth of SPDR tokens, you create liquidity in the ecosystem allowing traders of SDPR tokens to carry out their activities without fail. Encouraging trading creates demand for SPDR tokens, which can positively affect their value in the market. This, in turn, may result in passive income from your initial $500 stake.

For example, if you stake $500 worth of SPDR while the value of SPDR is at a hypothetical $1, you would have staked 500 SPDR that are worth $500 at that time. Owing to the conducive trading ecosystem in SpiderDAO, demand for SPDR increases; as such, its value also increases. If its value increases by 10%, your $500 stake will now be worth $550. You can decide to sell the extra $50 of the stake or wait for better prices.

While waiting for profits, LaU still provides you with uninterrupted, unrivaled VPN services. You can browse the web without fear of data tracking, as the VPN will keep your details secure. The service remains free as long as your stake remains above $500 worth of VPN. Thus, you can profit from selling part of your stake and still receive free VPN services as long as your stake remains above $500.

There are other rewards that users receive as well. These can be viewed from the dashboard, including SPDR token balance and tokens in utility.

Unlike other services, SpiderDAO has a reasonable lock-up period of 30 days. The period is long enough to gauge serious users and short enough such that it is not an inconvenience for those who may want to opt-out of the services.

LaU for the SpiderDAO ecosystem

As aforementioned, LaU makes the SpiderDAO ecosystem tailored towards the user. Through LaU, the ecosystem receives continual liquidity allowing seamless trading. The program makes SpiderDAO appealing to the large user base in the decentralized community. With LaU, SpiderDAO can greatly grow its user base. Adequate liquidity can easily translate to deeper penetration of the SPDR token into the market.

The ecosystem can also benefit from the LaU approach that promotes token lock up through utility as the incentive. The lock-up will help increase the SPDR token value and thus the platform, which is advantageous for both the user and the SpiderDAO ecosystem.

Several Key Projects are Already Onboard

LaU is attracting some interesting projects to SpiderDAO. The platform has numerous partnerships that are keen on taking advantage of LaU. These are,

  1. Fire Protocol – The protocol required privacy solutions for its end users on Fireswap DEX. In turn, Fireswap listed the SPDR token, which has helped create more demand for SPDR.
  2. ezDeFi – SpiderDAO partnered with ezDeFi to help implement LaU through the ezDeFi wallets.
  3. Exeedme – SpiderDAO will offer privacy solutions for gamers in the Exeedme platform and SPDR token holders.
  4. AnRKey – SpiderDAO will give AnRKey token holders access to the LaU program thereby increasing SPDR demand and desirability in the decentralized markets.
  5. Razor – The partnership will give Razor users access to the LaU program while SpiderDAO provides privacy solutions for the platform.  

SpiderDAO has other partnerships as well with Bondly and Kylin that may evolve to LaU based partnerships in time. Find out more details on the partnerships through the SpiderDAO medium.

As it stands, LaU appears to be the most innovative, economically rewarding program amongst DeFi projects. Find out more about LaU and SpiderDAO here.

Disclaimer: Please only take this information as my OWN opinion and should not be regarded as financial advice in any situation. Please remember to DYOR before making any decisions.

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