Speaking Crypto 101: Moon

The crypto ecosystem has no shortage of jargon. Ambiguous phrases, acronyms and newly formed words that had almost no meaning a decade ago (or even a few months ago for many) are now widely used market signals informing strategic investment decisions. As Cryptocurrencies are natively digital, it is important to understand the vernacular, usage, and meaning of the digital vocabulary that has formed within the space.

Moon- Project Goal

Man has gazed at the moon for centuries with wonder and amazement. Why is it there? What is it? How can we reach it? 

Everyone has looked at the same object, asking these same questions. Conquering the moon was seen as the ultimate challenge, a way of demonstrating the capabilities of man. A way of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." When John F. Kennedy said these words in September of 1962, perhaps only he understood the significance of this pursuit. Difficult objectives take curiosity, perseverance, and grit. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects are certainly not exceptions to this rule.

Moon and mooning in the crypto context have a similar usage to Lambo. Mooning implies that an asset has overcome the gravitational forces holding it back and has reached escape velocity. With the resting inertia overcome, it cuts through the abyss of space on its way to its ultimate objective, the warm and inviting glow of the moon.

Moon can be thought of as the ultimate destination for a cryptocurrency. The way to demonstrate that the hard work has been done and its use case has been validated. It is the result of collaboration amongst project teams and demonstration of a project’s usability within the market. Mooning is the process of overcoming challenges on the way to adoption. Some projects may only land on the clouds when they shoot for the moon. But others will have completed the endless work and will have experienced a bit of luck as they reach the moon and galaxies beyond.


Daniel Pinto - Market Analyst @ TradingBull.io


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