Some tips for Get more Tips in 😎

One of the platforms that I have been hooked on the most in recent weeks is I find it a very interesting proposition both as a social network and as a small recurring source of income.

In this post I will share some tips to get more tips. Forgive the redundancy. He he!

I see many people complaining that this platform does not work to earn Bitcoin Cash and it is a mistake. The platform is very good but you have to be active. We can't expect to get tips if we don't do anything. Building a source of income with is based on the following points:

  • Make at least 4 posts daily.
  • Don't spam.
  • Deny and report users who ask for tips or upload pictures of naked girls to get attention.
  • Give likes to interesting user posts.
  • Try to comment on 20-30 posts a day.
  • Don't be stingy with tips. You must be altruistic and generous. Do not apply more than 60% for yourself.

If you do this, I assure you that the app will give you more tips so you can share them with everyone.

Since it came out it has made many improvements. Added a category block to segment posts by topic, the ability to upload images has been unlocked and navigation has been optimized to improve the user experience.

My advice is that you try to be present every day in, it is expected to continue growing and when everyone finds out that you can earn BCH you have to be well positioned. Most social networks work like this, those who arrive first are the ones who earn the most.