Soft War: Bitcoin as a New Domain of Power

Jason Lowery, a military engineer, offers a unique perspective on Bitcoin, viewing it as a new domain of power, or "Bit power".

  • Bitcoin carries transformative implications for national security, allowing nations to protect and grow their wealth outside of traditional systems. Nations can strategically invest in Bitcoin mining, accumulating power in this new domain.

  • Bitcoin can be viewed as a form of "warfare software". Nations can strategically wield Bitcoin to safeguard their interests, projecting power without aggression.

  • Lowery introduces the concept of 'Soft War', where nations compete through Bitcoin mining, not military force. This competition is non-violent, ROI positive, and could lower the overall cost of energy and living.

  • Bitcoin could usher in a world where power projection doesn't imply conflict, but participation in a decentralized network. It encourages a peaceful yet competitive world, beneficial to all participants.

  • Bitcoin is seen as the ultimate way of projecting power, making it costly for any aggressor to attack. It is a non-aggressive way of protecting resources and wealth.

  • Bitcoin has significant strategic implications for nations, potentially giving an edge in global power dynamics to those who adopt and excel in this new domain.

  • Bitcoin is the future of power, extending its role beyond being a digital currency.

  • In a riveting discussion with Peter McCormack on "What Bitcoin Did", Jason Lowery delves into the world of Bitcoin with a fresh perspective. This article summarizes their exploration of Bitcoin, not merely as a digital currency but also as a powerful global system. For those who are excited about the future of Bitcoin and its implications for freedom worldwide, this conversation is a must-watch.

    Watch the full interview here: YouTube Video

    Meet Jason Lowery: The Military Engineer Turned Bitcoin Enthusiast

    Jason Lowery, a military space force astronautical engineer, brings a unique perspective to the world of Bitcoin. Having engaged with designing weapon systems to operate in new domains, Lowery has taken his expertise to explore Bitcoin. His approach is one that bridges the gap between technology and global power dynamics.

    Bitcoin: Not Just a Currency

    For Lowery, Bitcoin isn't just a technology or a form of currency, it represents a new realm of power, akin to physical domains we've fought over throughout history. His main argument lies in understanding Bitcoin as "Bit power," representing a convergence of watts into bits, and using those bits to physically secure resources, much like in any other domain.

    The Bitcoin ledger, often called the blockchain, is a public record of all transactions that have ever occurred in the Bitcoin network. It's decentralized, meaning it's stored across numerous computers globally. In order to add a new set of transactions, or a "block," to the blockchain, miners have to solve complex mathematical problems, a process known as Proof of Work.

    Now, Proof of Work requires computational power, and hence, real-world energy. The ability to convert this energy into computational power, and subsequently into the potential to add new blocks to the blockchain, is what Lowery refers to as a form of power projection. Bitcoin gives its participants the ability to project power passively by simply following its rules and engaging in the mining process.

    Bitcoin's Impact on National Security

    When it comes to national security, Bitcoin has transformative implications. Bitcoin, being decentralized and resistant to censorship, presents an avenue for nations to protect and grow their wealth outside the reach of competing entities.

    Lowery envisions nations harnessing Bitcoin's potential to fortify their security. For instance, a nation can strategically invest in Bitcoin mining, accumulating Bitcoin and therefore 'power' in this new domain. By doing so, they could protect their resources in a way that is unconfiscatable and unstoppable.

    The "Jason Lowery Software": A Metaphor for Bitcoin

    Expanding on the idea of Bitcoin as a tool of power, Lowery likens Bitcoin to a form of software for warfare. This doesn't mean Bitcoin is a weapon or tool for aggression. Rather, it illustrates how Bitcoin, like software, can be wielded strategically by nations to safeguard their interests.

    In essence, nations can 'program' their strategies around Bitcoin, using it as a tool to exert safeguard resources, and even engage in a new form of economic competition that doesn't involve traditional warfare.

    Soft War: Power Projection Without Violence

    One of the most revolutionary aspects that Bitcoin introduces is the concept of 'Soft War'. This refers to the idea of nations competing not through violence or military force, but through Bitcoin mining.

    In this new paradigm, the warfare is entirely non-violent and even productive. Nations can secure their resources by investing energy and capital into mining Bitcoin. Rather than draining resources as traditional warfare does, this 'Soft War' is ROI positive, miners get paid for their work in Bitcoin, and this drives more innovation and investment into the energy space.

    As Bitcoin mining efficiency improves, it could potentially lower the overall cost of energy. Since the price of energy is embedded in everything we do, the overall cost of living could decrease. This paradigm shift could mean a reduction in military expenditure, an increase in wealth, and a world where power is not projected through force, but through participation in a decentralized network.

    Bitcoin ushers in an era where power projection doesn't necessarily mean aggression or conflict. It’s a groundbreaking shift towards a peaceful yet competitive world, where every participant, whether an individual or a nation, stands to gain. The beauty of this system is that it doesn't just benefit the participants, but potentially everyone, reinforcing the phrase that “we are Bitcoin”.

    The Power Projection Game

    Every form of life defends itself by projecting power, by making attacks against it costly for the aggressor. Every animal does this when acting in self defense, even unicellular cells act this way, covering and absorbing other cells.

    The main thesis here is that Bitcoin is the ultimate way of projecting power, it makes it so costly to attack that any aggressor would have to consume all their resources and still won’t be able to budge it. It is a non aggressive way of projecting power, like a giant force unpenetrable force field that anyone can access to and store their wealth behind it.

    The more individuals and nation states figure this out, the more resources will be held within it. As this grows in value, the incentive to feed this defensive tool will also increase. Because miners are rewarded with Bitcoin, the “defense budget” also increases and the ROI of adding power to the network goes up with it. It is a system that perfectly aligns values, the need to project power, and peoples self interest to create a new way for everyone to compete and engage in warfare. Only that now we can do it in a peaceful way, and benefit everyone in the process.

    The National Security Implications of Bitcoin

    A salient point that emerges from the discussion is the strategic significance of Bitcoin for nations. Lowery believes that Bitcoin has profound implications for national security. He advocates for a strategic adoption of Bitcoin as a wealth-building and security tool. By adopting and excelling in this new domain, a nation could potentially be a step ahead in the global power dynamics.

    He also adds that people in government that are not experts in national defense, should therefore not be allowed to comment in the merits of Bitcoin. He urges that we shouldn’t listen to economists or politicians, but rather look at this from the lenses of military tactics.

    Since Bitcoin is the next frontier in warfare, not adopting it could be the greatest blunder any nation state can make. History has a long list of empires that have shattered because they fail to recognize the latest power projection technology. From gunpowder, to cannons, planes and bombs. Bitcoin is nothing more than the next evolution of power projection and as such it must be adopted and utilize strategically by every military on earth, otherwise the risks could of not doing so could be dire.

    In Conclusion: Bitcoin is the Future of Power

    The conversation between Lowery and McCormack provides a new lens through which to view Bitcoin. From its potential as a tool for power projection to its implications for national security, this conversation shows that Bitcoin's role goes far beyond being a digital currency.

    As always, we encourage you to delve deeper into the world of Bitcoin, engage with these fresh ideas, and broaden your understanding of this revolutionary technology. Remember, "We are Bitcoin!"

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    Link to the YouTube Video: Jason Lowery Interview

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