Side Hustle with Bitcoin Passive Income(NO Investment needed)

I made over $100 last year in passive income while working from home by switching to the Cryptotab Browser from Firefox!

No investment needed and zero work involved after a two minute set up.

Just sign up, download, setup and shut up while you start stacking satoshis!

I am beginning to target El Salvador with some of my posts so you will start to see these posts translated into Spanish.

This is a Google translation so please help me out if it isn't sensible or doesn't read well to you.

I would love your feedback!

image downloaded from pixabay and edited for the cover using canva and my own assets.

Thanks for stopping by and showing your support!

You can check out all the fish I caught while my side hustle was making me bitcoin at the bottom of this post ;P

Spanish Translation:

?Ganamos mas de $ 100 el ano pasado usando el navegador Cryptotab en lugar de Firefox!

Este es el metodo mas sencillo para comenzar a generar ingresos pasivos en criptomonedas.

No se necesita inversion.

?Simplemente registrese, descargue, configure y cierrese mientras comienza a apilar satoshis!

Estoy comenzando a apuntar a El Salvador con algunas de mis publicaciones, por lo que comenzara a ver estas publicaciones traducidas al espanol.

Esta es una traduccion de Google, asi que por favor ayudeme si no es sensato o no le parece bien.

?Me encantaria recibir tus comentarios!

Enjoy the benefits of your new side hustle with bitcoin passive income!