Satoshi Nakamoto's Original Bitcoin Website Is Changing Hands, the website originally registered by Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto and developer Martii Malmi, may soon change hands again as one of its co-owners revealed he is reducing his involvement with it.

According to a GitHub post Cobra Bitcoin, the pseudonymous co-owner of, is going to gradually reduce his involvement with the website and will leave it “in trusted hands.” In the post he noted that h has a few people in mind, but either way asked for individuals or organizations that could be a good fit to maintain the platform, which onboards new users who search for “bitcoin” in search engines.

Cobra Bitcoin, who has been widely criticized in the cryptocurrency community for proposing changes to Satoshi Nakamoto’s original Bitcoin whitepaper, noted that he hopes his successors won’t get caught up in conflicts within the community as he did, and added: really is an amazing resource, and we need to continue working on it and keep improving it. With Bitcoin being as complicated as it is for new people to understand, sites like are key to getting more mainstream adoption. Especially in avoiding getting Bitcoin labelled as some get rich quick scheme.

When discussing with other users who would be given control of the website, Cobra Bitcoin revealed that some obvious names are already under consideration: those of the contributors already helping maintain the website. These include Will Binns and Craig Watkins.

While the website was originally registered and owned by Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi, when Satoshi left the project he gave ownership of the domain to additional people separate from Bitcoin’s developers, to stop BTC from being controlled by one single person.

Cobra Bitcoin, it’s worth noting, has also argued that the cryptocurrency community failed to show sovereign money to people as governments throughout the world started engaging in quantitative easing,  and argued against bitcoin’s safe have status.

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