Roger Ver Still Jealous of Satoshi Nakomoto

Why in the fuck does Google suggest to me this article about a study tracking and trying to dox Satoshi Nakamoto? I look up and this article is on, Roger Ver's digital publication.

Seriously. Can't you monkeys just leave well enough alone? This man, if he was a man, gave us all freedom. An opportunity for a way out. And you repay him by trying to dox him. I'm inclined to think that the study is government funded so they can kill Nakamoto.

You'd think that Ver, who served serious time because of his commitment to cryptocurrency and financial sovereignty, would understand more than most the importance of Nakamoto's anonymity. Someone with that kind of foresight has definitely thought of the implications of a successful implementation of his bitcoin project, and he obviously concluded that it would be better deployed with its creator behind an opaque curtain.

It pains me to see the philosophy Nakamoto gave us, along with his once-in-an-epoch technology, has not translated well to our generation. The second you give something to a group of people, they always try to find the fastest way to fuck it up.

Let Nakamoto rest. He did more in a few years than most men do in a lifetime. He'll come out if he chooses.

As for you unscrupulous, deviant researchers from The Chain Bulletin, led by the obsequious, slimy author Doncho Karaivanov, go to fucking hell. You're chasing a man who gave the world its most incredible tool for forward movement, one that is freeing me, and your motives are questionable. Go study how to eliminate poverty or something. Oh wait, crypto could do that.

Enough of this. I'm trying to deal with the dip in bitcoin, because traders who are properly set up in this market will do quite well in the bull market after it.

Roger Ver, remove this bullshit from your platform. You jealous clod. Nakamoto's anonymity is central to the success of cryptocurrency. Stupid ass.

And don't think I overlooked the fact that it was Google that suggested this article to me. Fuck you too, you data thieving, AI-feeding, shitty ad breeding oligarchical globalist petri dish.