Rewards at Binance Launchpad

Know that you are not using for trading you are wasting time. These assets could be being employed at BINANCE Lauchpool, an initiative designed to bring the experience of decentralized finance (DeFi) to Binance users. By lending your BNB, BUSD or Ontology balance it is employed in this savings and you receive a fraction of the available assets through the Launchpad.

Binance Launchpool is a platform where users can securely farm new assets as part of an ongoing initiative to bring the DeFi experience to Binance.

By September 14th you were available for WING tokens at Launchpool.

About WING

Wing has launched a decentralized autonomous initiative (DAO) called Wing DAO for decentralized financial services that integrate credit elements. Wing aims to support the construction of decentralized financial products that combine guarantee value and credit assessment, as well as decentralized social governance and autonomy.

About Bella Protocol

Bella Protocol (Incubated by ARPA) offers a set of DeFi products for a simplified cryptomeda banking experience, whose core product design concept is "1-Click", making DeFi yield farming more affordable at a low cost. Bella automates everything possible, subsidizes gas rates, and serves new and experienced users both on the network and through Bella's custody service.


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