Remittances with Dash: Benefit or Necessity?

The oil-producing country of Venezuela has been immersed in the most severe economic crisis that a Latin American country has faced in modern history. In recent years, Venezuela's currency has suffered an abysmal devaluation, and money is now in a situation of scarcity. This has affected companies but its greatest impact is felt by the general population. People struggle in search of the best options when it comes to supplying the most basic and necessary inputs for their day. Venezuelans' minimum wages have fallen to $2.26 per month.

A process of steady financial weakening is taking place in every Venezuelan home. The deterioration of the oil sector, the country's main source of income, has been quite significant to the point that today there is no more production. It has surpassed 14 negative quarters, aggravating the collapse of the Bolivar and the deterioration of the economy...

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