Rant #26: Got BTC from Meg the Stallion. How's your day going?

Not really going to be a pointed post with a scathing opinion. Just a quick, cool share.

Its happening y'all......slowly. There's been a ton more activity around cryptocurrency these last couple weeks (specifically around BTC). Whether its a passing interest or your deep into the hodlin knowledge many here seek, we all need an exciting development every once in a while. Got mine in the form of a Twitter post :)


Meg posted about how she'd send about $10 in BTC to her fans that need it! Considering a look at my wallet as of late, empty as a garbage can after pick up day, I needed it! Got a personal goal to pay off that DeVos led student loan debt that's standing in the way of being debt free while trying to rankle in new bills accrued. Think I was on a stationary bike when I got this and almost fell over. Not going to lie on this one, cashed right as it hit $25,000 and have seen the uptick and regret that. However, the light bill don't pay itself. So again, thanks to Meg! Someone truly in tune with her fanbase and trying to get us all through a tough time. 

P.S. --> Its been a bit of a slog since starting a new job so sorry if I post a bit infrequently! 

P.P.S. --> Tory been cancelled, but now.....this man might as well move out of country and spotify.