RampDefi to be added to Kraken?!

The idea of Defi isn't new but it is gaining popularity. Only certain coins will make it and I believe Ramp Defi is one of these. While I am not a financial advisor nor do I have a crystal ball or travel into the future. Always do your own research on anything prior to investing. Now letes get on with it about RampDefi.

Notice: Information provided within this article is not to be interpreted as investment advice of any kind.

What Is Ramp?

The creators state that it is a stake farming asset that taps into cross chain liquidity that unlocks liquid assets from staked coins. But what does that mean? Well you are able to take your staked and "vault" assets such a lets say Tezos (XTZ) along side your RampDefi and earn an APY% from that. It allows you to effectively make use of and inefficient way to earn more while providing to the chain. Staking isn't anything new, so I wont go into this as many already know about it and the ways to and if not there are already an abundance of articles on this.

Ramp allows you to use Tezos, Tomo and IOST stakes while earning both ramp and staked asset through smart contracts. Using METAMASK wallet you will be able to add your stake and earn ramp.

The "Vault" is a little different. You will earn ramp through liqudity mining or simply just staking your Ramp. RampDefi states "Vaults smart contract has successfully cleared audit with Beosin. The audit report can be viewed in our Github here." They also state that Vaults are also in Alpha phase and there could be risks involved.

Ecosystem Partners & Protocol Integrations.

RampDefi has a partnership and integration with several cypto assets such as. IOST, TOMO, XTZ, INJECTIVE, THE GRAPH, ELROND, SOLANA ICON, STONE DEFI, NULS, MOON STAKE, METANYX, CRUST, and ALLIANCE BLOCK. with these and Ramps ability it is surely to grow and become even bigger. I am positive that the Vault and Staking will only grow.

Active Team.

Today I was able to communicate with a team member through combination Telegram and Twitter about several things. I will include screenshots of the conversation but I would like to talk about whats going on. 

The team member states that they are very active on getting listed on exchanges. they also commented that due to price feeds and being on Uniswap that a launch of Ramp on Injective Protocol happen once Ramp gets listings. They stated that due to Non Disclosure Act (NDA) that they could not comment on which exchanges they are in talks with. They could only comment that they are active in this endeavor.

I also asked about potential of added assets coming to Ramp. They stated that both erc20 and non erc20 assets will be added to their solutions including Vault for seamless solutions. The team member also stated that the full product is close to completion and just awaiting audit. Sources tell me late Feb to end of Feb.

I asked about DEFI and other DEFI projects and how is Ramp different. Also mentioned how some people are apprehensive to jump the DEFI YFI scene and how could the Ramp team ease the investors into the scene. The team member stated that Ramp is a total different solution and that Ramp is a YFI + Maker 2.0 model where users delegate into ramp smart contracts that are re-delegated to yield farming or staking as income. While issuing Ramp's rUSD against the assets as collateral and rUSD can be re-delegated as well. If user's are afraid they could ease into Ramp's Vaults that are currently available. The team member mentioned that all of Ramp's contracts are audited before public release. Which in my opinion speaks volumes on the team's transparency but also reminds users of DEFI that there are inherent risks involved in DEFI in it self.

Unleash The Kraken?!

Today I was on Kraken trying to buy more The Graph (GRT) while Uniswap gas prices are currently crazy. I know this is nothing new as of lately but I didn't know Kraken wasn't allowing US and Canadian citizens from buying GRT (for whatever reason) so I took to chat support. What does GRT have to do with Ramp you may ask? well prior to ending my conversation with the tech support agent it came to mind to ask about RampDefi. I actually really like Ramp and want it to succeed, While my holdings is a small bag compared to most but I was able to get in at 7 cents. It appears that the Kraken team is looking to potentially add Ramp to their listings. while the listing is dependent of their findings, I have included a screenshot of the conversation for you to enjoy.



Disclaimer: RampDefi (RAMP) is currently 4.43% of my crypto portfolio by value. But may increase after writing this article I plan to add more.