Quick Info: Brave Ads Are Back!

This is just a quick post to let you know that BRAVE ads seem to be popping up much more frequently than in the past days. So fire the browser back up and collect those sweet BAT. (In case you haven't heard of Brave before, scroll down to the bottom.)

The Problem

Many people -- including me -- have been wondering what had happened to Brave ads. I personally run Brave on all my devices (two Android smartphones and two Windows 10 laptops). Brave ads used to pop up regularly for me on all devices. And I collected quite a few BAT that way. However, recently that source pretty much dried up. Actually, I had a couple of days without being shown any ads at all. Then in the past two days I saw an ad here and there every once in a while. 

The Good News

Today, I already saw close to five ads within two hours both on my main smartphone and on my main laptop. (I haven't used the other two devices yet, but will fire them up to collect some additional BAT.) This post is written to let you know that if you stopped using Brave because of the missing ad revenue, it is time to fire it up once again!

What Is Brave

Download the awesome Brave browser here for basically any platform you like. Brave is a super fast web browser that works especially well on slower devices. It is based on the open source version of the Google Chrome browser. That means all your favorite Chrome extensions work with Brave and you can import all your bookmarks, stored passwords and other settings from Chrome. Brave provides advanced ad blocking and privacy functionality. On top of that it features a tipping functionality and pays you BAT in case you agree to see privacy-respecting ads. It is the only browser that I use. 


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