Put Binance Coin (BNB) to work: 6 immediate benefits!

Binance Coin (BNB) is the ERC-20 token that offers cheaper fees and discount perks on the BINANCE Exchange. Binance Coin started in 2017 from the $0.0398 value, and kept growing since than up to $39.68 in June 2019. BNB currently holds the 8 place in the market cap top and holds a big potential for growth and development.

Binance Coin (BNB) is one of those tokens that can bring multiple benefits to the holders, and it's no better time to hold BNB than September. Users can take advantage of six immediate benefits from the token, and diversify the portfolio in the same time. I will use the previous 8 weeks period, for statistical purpose, to explain and present the benefits of holding.

The Value: Binance Coin price will keep an upwards trend, copying the success of Binance. Any investment will grow at a steady pace. In the last 8 weeks period Binance Coin recorded a 41% growth, from $18.89 to $26.79, adding $8 in value.

Interest: Binance Savings offers an approximate 0.25% estimated Annual Yield for BNB, quite low considered to others tokens but it is still extra income generated. opportunities.

Flexibility: Everything on the Binance Exchange can be purchased with BNB, which gives the token an amazing level of flexibility and utility. By having the Binance Coin in the Flexible Savings Wallet, gives users to option to use the instant withdraw, therefore easy access to funds in case of potential investment opportunities. 

Swipe (SXP) Airdrop: The airdrop will distribute $16 million worth of Swipe (SXP) over a 12 weeks periods, approximately 333,333 are allocated weekly, to users who are holding Binance Coin. The campaign started on 17th of August and 4 weeks passed since than. On the 14th of September started the 5th week of the campaign, and 8 weeks left to take advantage of the Airdrop. The Swipe (SXP) airdrop and the great potential of Swipe gives BNB holders another reason to hold, and the chance to diversify the portfolio. After Swipe was added to the Binance ecosystem, the coin instantly become more attractive and the value rejuvenated. Received 0.18 SXP until now, approximately $0.30.

Bella Protocol (BEL) farming: Binance Launchpool first project went live on Wednesday, the 9th of September. Users can now farm Bella Protocol  (BEL) by staking Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD (BUSD) and ARPA until the 9th of October, when the last share of 166,000 BEL will be distributed. The farming has no cap, however 90% (4.5 million BEL) from the total is assigned for BNB staking, 9% (450k BEL) for BUSD staking and only 1% (50k BEL) for ARPA staking. The Bella Protocol (BEL) rewards will be distributed daily, even after the official Binance listing, this Wednesday. The starting price after listing was $0.75 per BEL token but the price raise quickly to over $10 just to drop at $5 the next day. In one week, I was distributed 0.60 BEL, approximately $3.20 at today's price. There are 3 weeks left to take advantage of the Launchpool.

Wing (WING) farming: The second Binance Launchpool went live on Tuesday, the 15th of September, and will reward users for 30 days. Users can now farm WING by staking Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD (BUSD) and Ontology (ONT). WING is a credit based DeFi dedicated to asset lending and protocol interaction, and Binance users have an unique opportunity to earn some for 30 days. First airdrop was 0.0015 Wing, valued at $0.29, which makes this campaign very promising.

As explained above, is no better time to hold Binance Coin. I stated holding 2 BNB on the first week of the Swipe Airdrop campaign which I bought for $22.10 each. I bought 8 more during the September dip at $18.92 and another 2 yesterday at $28.45. I currently have 12 BNB in my Flexible Savings and I will conclude the experiment after another 8 weeks, when all the promotional campaigns will end.


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