Public Thoughts #12: Privacy Coins on War

We have seen some behind the sceen moves maid by some exchanges, they started a delisting of privacy coins, mainly because of US regulatory laws and their fear of getting your money out of their sight. There is really a problem here that will affect Privacy coins price and volume?


Well, i have a simple opinion on this, as you know privacy coins just don't care about government rules, they fight for user freedom and power of their own money. What can happen with this delisting? Maybe the 24h volume will fall, but i see this as a short term thing. I have been up to date with privacy coins communities, i saw that most people who like Monero don't buy their coins on major exchanges like Kraken, they prefer to give you a example LocalMonero. This can give you a insight towards the future, the volumes will not fall that bad because people are used to buy it in other places rather than major exchanges.


What have we seen until know with some of the major privacy coins?


Monero is healthy and well, the 40$ dump has been left behind by a huge surge in price, bull run can happen at any moment. Dash had also a huge dump in the past, it was negociated at 50$, since then the coin as surged in price and has been stable between 80-100$. ZCash has the price range that it has had for a long time. Verge has spiked in price, some days ago it almost hit 0.01$ which is huge for the coin. PivX is the only one that didn't perform that well, but in a year graph you can see a green performance. Firo went through a hard-fork and the price went down, but it seems that it is going in the right direction now.


In conclusion, what are we really talking about? Are there people who only are scaring other people?


I think there is a movement behind the scenes to try to kill privacy coins, this will not be achieved, while dollar economy is going down, this coins have the best characteristics to thrive and prosper.


Don't be afraid of something just because someone is telling you or writing about it, go and do your own research, see if the fear is real or not, in this case it is not. Just following Monero reddit is enough to understand that the community is alive and very well, many of them help the network without been given any profit. This is true passion for the coin.


Do your own research before starting to get people afraid.


Best regards and happy new year for everyone.

Source (my own post on

