Presearch is Hiring! Is our next colleague on Publish0x?

As PRESEARCH enters marketing phase with the pending release of its new decentralized search engine, we are excited to announce that we are actively hiring for a number of marketing positions.

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We are looking for world-class marketers to join our team and help introduce Presearch and the open search movement to the world.

The compensation for each position is commensurate with experience and in-line with industry standards. We are hiring for fit and demonstrated track record of success.

1. Twitter Talent

You live, sleep and breathe Twitter. You love to engage with your network, building a growing audience for your work, and connecting with thought leaders and influencers who can help your posts go viral.

You are constantly on the hunt for new content to post — in this case, you’ll be sharing stories about big tech and their abuse of power, about the growing power of cryptocurrency and decentralized technology to level the playing field, about privacy, data ownership and digital sovereignty, as well as about blockchain, search marketing, entrepreneurship, agorism, open source, personal freedom and liberty — and you’ll publish with an optimistic perspective rooted in reality. Of course, the Presearch team will also provide you with a steady stream of updates to intersperse.

This isn’t your first Twitter rodeo, and you’ve already got your 10,000 hours under your belt, now you’re looking for an amazing opportunity to reach millions of people with a message about community, transformative technology, digital empowerment and hope in the facing of a looming dystopia.

You’re already highly-familiar with crypto Twitter — the personalities, memes, narratives and news that will resonate with this influential group of people. This channel will be critical in raising awareness for Presearch and why what we’re doing is so important to everyone interested in crypto.

If you want to be part of the solution, and already have strong thoughts about how you can leverage Twitter to build awareness for Presearch and our friends while leading the open search movement online, then please send an email to and provide us with links to any accounts you manage that you think would be helpful. We’d love to see examples of your tone and the engagement you’re generating.

2. Email Expert

Presearch has a registered user base of more than 1.6 million people, all of whom have provided their email address to the service and many of whom are interested in project updates, industry news and commentary.

You consider yourself to be a publisher at heart, and you greatly respect your audience and the trust they have placed in Presearch when they provided us with their email address.

You value their attention and strive to provide them with interesting, engaging and informative messages that are easy to consume on any type of device. Bonus points if you have experience working in a multilingual environment.

You know how to optimize our email platform and craft catchy headlines that maximize the impact of Presearch email communications by ensuring high deliverability and open rates. List segmentation and pruning, optimal time-of-day sending, A/B testing and email personalization are all things you’re very experienced in.

If this position sounds like a fit for you, please send an email to and provide us with some information about email campaigns you’ve been responsible for, and what the results were. Managing huge lists isn’t a prerequisite, as we realize that quantity ? quality, but we’d love to hear how you’ve nurtured your audience, whatever size it is.

3. Reddit Ringleader

Reddit is the top community site on the interwebs for good reason. Between the wit and the snark, there’s some amazing commentary and more personality than almost anywhere.

The r/cryptocurrency subreddit and others that serve the blockchain community are some of the best places to learn, be entertained and connect with other blockchain enthusiasts.

We are looking for a Redditor who shares our ideals about decentralization and the power of the internet and blockchain as tools to level the playing field, who has some serious Reddit karma, and who will passionately lead the Presearch Reddit community.

If this sounds like you, then please email with a link to your Reddit account, any communities where you are a mod, and a couple of examples of difficult situations on Reddit that you’ve found yourself in and how you handled the communication to generate a positive encounter.

4. BitcoinTalk Boss

As a BitcoinTalk OG who arrived before the last bull run, you’ve spent years discussing bitcoin and what it means to the world to have sound digital money that isn’t controlled by central bankers and their fractional reserves.

You’ve earned yourself a senior member designation after thousands of posts over the years. Though you are a prolific poster, you’re no shill and have been careful to protect your reputation and build a network of contacts in the community.

You want a freer world that uses technology for good, to help empower those who produce value, and feel that bitcoin and cryptocurrency is an important tool in the struggle to free humanity from the extractive forces of the parasitic elites who dominate the legacy financial system.

While bitcoin will always be your first love, and the store of value that underpins the new crypto economy, you aren’t a maximalist and recognize value in other currencies and projects.

You recognize that the open internet is a key resource for a free people, and know that Google’s dominance is a major threat to our digital freedom. You learn more about Presearch and believe that we can play an important role in the creation of a non-corporate, community-driven alternative and you want to help us build our presence within BitcoinTalk.

You appreciate that we are true freedom-loving libertarians and that this isn’t just a money-making venture for us. We truly are about making change and you want to be part of it. And hey, when it gets big, the economic rewards will be there too. It’s a win-win.

You’ve read about Presearch nodes and can’t wait to spin up a node on the testnet. Decentralized search and keyword staking are huge ideas that are very timely in light of what’s happening with censorship and the building backlash against big tech.

In addition to being credible, you are articulate and enjoy being the one to introduce people to new technologies and concepts. You can clearly communicate value in a way that resonates with others and are excited about the opportunity to work directly with the founders of what could

If this sounds like you, please send an email to with a link to your BitcoinTalk profile and tell us about yourself and what your vision is for promoting Presearch.

5. Parler Prodigy

Parler might be the new kid on the block, but it’s got huge traction already and you know it because you’re one of the early adopters of the platform.

Presearch recognizes that many voices have been dealing with censorship, demonetization and deplatforming by big tech, and are looking for alternatives.

With biases and agendas becoming more apparent everyday, many are realizing that Google and other search engines may not be providing complete results.

With our focus on censorship-resistance and freedom of thought and speech, it’s a natural fit for those who care about those important principals to know about and use Presearch.

Parler is a great channel to spread the word about the project and to connect with conservatives and libertarians who are looking for change.

We are actively seeking a Parler Prodigy who can help us learn the platform and its opportunities quickly, and help connect with the millions of users who now call it home.

You are passionate about free speech and are on a crusade against big tech, and you know how to network with the leading voices on Parler to help get your views across.

As the voice and face of Presearch in this new environment, this is a super important role that we believe will help raise awareness for the project and be a significant source of new Presearchers who are fed up with the big tech madness and are looking for an independent, libertarian-leaning search engine that truly respects the important role that search engines play as the gateway to information online.

We want people to know that they can count on us as a utility for finding the best quality results, without the spin, and that they can be part of the process due to our community-driven nature.

If this sounds like the role for you, please email with a link to your Parler profile so we can get a sense of your natural ‘voice’ and an idea of how you would represent Presearch, not to mention your ability to connect and influence the community there. Please share with us your vision for Presearch on Parler and why you’re the right person for the role.

6. Quora Quartermaster

Quora is an awesome resource for digging deep into a subject and getting a range of answers from qualified (and unqualified?—?haha) people from around the world.

You love the vibe there and have found yourself spending a lot of time there. You have a knack as a writer and many of your posts have thousands of views, receiving compliments on your informative answers.

You’re particularly interested in new cryptocurrency projects and find yourself discussing the latest and greatest opportunities, trading strategies and technologies with other Quorans.

You are also passionate about privacy, personal freedom and using technology to change the world. You enjoy finding new apps and services that present alternatives to the big tech that dominates the world. You’ve been looking for a way to earn income on Quora without compromising your values and helping to promote Presearch seems like a great way to make it happen.

If this post resonates with you, please email with a link to your Quora profile and some of the answers you are most proud of, as well as those that’ve received the most upvotes and comments. Please let us know what sets you apart from other Quorans and why you would be the perfect fit to represent Presearch as an ambassador.

Know someone who would be a great fit?

If marketing isn’t your jam, but you have a friend or family member who would be a perfect fit, please forward them this posting and CC when you email them to be eligible for a referral bonus of $250 worth of PRE tokens if we choose your contact for the position.

Thanks for helping us find the perfect candidates for these important roles.