Pi Network Update

We are all aware that mining BTC has become an extremely expensive exercise which has virtually priced most people out of the possibility of mining. This is especially true now as there are less coins available and companies are now getting into mining, this has placed mining BTC in the hands of the few while excluding the many. 

Enter Pi coin developed by Stanford Phd’s Pi coin was developed as a layer one ecosystem with a p2p payment solution. Network allows for developers to build applications on its layer 1 protocol. The network has a consensus algorithm allowing a scalable trust layer over the network by aggregating the security circles of each individual member this effectively creates a layer of security for the protocol.  

The network currently has over 29million users and is currently in the TestNet phase, once the community believe the test net is ready which some suspect will be soon PI network will go to Main net. As of Dec 2020 there were 10million members mining Pi coin, at which point the network underwent a halving which reduced the mining rate from 0.4 to 0.2 pi /hr now this is just the base rate the greater the number of members in your security circle the greater your individual mining rate. Once the network reaches 100 million members another halving will take place reducing the mining rate again to 0.1 pi/hr and eventually we will get to a point where new members will no longer be able to mine. So it is a good time to get in now while you still can specially since it costs nothing to participate and there is virtually no risk in mining it. 

At the heart of Pi networks creation was the vision that Pi coin was accessible to as many people as possible in an attempt to be more inclusive in essence this takes away the mining capabilities from the few and gives it back to the many, helping restore the balance of coins so to speak in order that the majority of coins aren't sitting in the hands of a few whale wallets. So in essence what the Pi network has done is decentralized not only the payments solution but also mining which is rare when compared with most other crypto assets. 

Currently Pi coins are only available to miners in testnet phase.  It appears that next year 2022 Pi Network will hit crypto exchanges and go public. While most members are currently trying to predict the price of a Pi Network coin, Coinstat & Changely have predicted that the current price of a single coin if it were available on the exchange today would sit at 0.01c and by the end of 2021 or early 2022 a coin could fetch $1 and by 2025 they suspect that the price could reach $5.  

In order to mine Pi coin you don’t need any overly expensive fancy mining equipment or even a graphics card all you need is a basic smart phone and since most people already have one mining is accessible to most people . All that’s required is that you download the app by clicking on the link below and once a day click on the mine button to ensure that the security network consists of real people thus ensuring that the trusted security layer is in fact secure. Its that simple. 

In December of 2021 Pi Network has announced the launching of its main net, miners will be given the opportunity to either move their Pi coins over to their wallets (pi wallets are located the Pi web browser), which you can download in the mining app or miners may either lock up a portion or all their coins for a given period time that is anywhere between 6 months to 3 yrs. If members choose to lock up all their coins for a period of 3 yrs the apy is 450%. The percentage yield you earn will depend on the portion of coins locked in and the lock up period. 

If you would also like to start mining Pi coin before the next halving, click on the link below, download the app and copy the invitation code (which is also below) and paste it into the app when prompted. Once the app is up and running you can start mining instantly, but don’t forget to check in every 24 hrs and hit that mine button.  

Follow the linkPi Network

Invitation code - Jsalameh77