Phoneum-PHT Part 2

So I know that I said I would write an update about the Phoneum apps as soon as something changed, however, I have to admit I've been holding off a bit. The cloud mining app that they have, which previously had completely disappeared under the premise that the app needed an update, is back up and very visable.

But the disappearance in and of itself was enough to make me slow down my use with these apps for a few reasons. Every now and again every app needs a good update, how many of them actually disappear under that premise from where ever you downloaded it from?

Regardless, I waited for the update that was supposed to maybe be unavailable for a few hours. Well, a few hours turned into around 48 hours, before the app was back on the Play Store and available to update.

The update went smoothly enough as far as updates go all you need is decent data or wifi. The thing that gets me as of right now is that the app itself is running much less smooth since the update.

At first, it seemed as though it was back and running without any issues, I was able to restart the cloud mining process or I thought I did..You know it's really hard to tell when most of the information in the app is now permanently loading and or just blank.

Typically, things are usually what they seem to be. For example, where there's smoke there's fire is typically true. However, have you actually ever tried to start a fire? There is usually a decent amount of smoke regardless of whether there is actually flame. So as far as this one goes let's say it looks like the beginning of a fire to me. Now I haven't put any money into this particular crypto, nor have I actually in all honesty put any money at all into any crypto at all. At the moment, let's say with these particular apps I am glad that I am in a more neutral position as a time only investor as opposed to an actual monetary investor.

The apps that supply these tokens for free do have a “VIP” status that among other things is supposed to lower the withdrawal amount. The withdrawal amount without that is 20,000 on each of the apps and unlike many other games/apps that are able to link one account across a few different platforms, these particular developers have not made that feature available and they haven't said anything about making it available.

I suppose my current goal at the moment is to get one of my balances to 20,000 or a little over and then basically roll the amount over the various platforms, since you can make deposits and withdrawals, you just can't link their balances together unfortunately. Which simply means it'll take a little longer to test the validity of these apps and their providers.

In the meantime, once I have that tested I will write yet again on these developers and their platforms. If they are valid by the time I write again I expect that their cloud mining app be running smoothly and that they have paid out to me; hopefully also they will make it possible to link your account throughout the games.