Orange-pilled someone to Simple Bitcoin

Opened up Simple Bitcoin to catch up on my daily Bitcoin news and was rendered speechless by the sight of 1000 tickets and 1 sat. My heart did a little leap.

This could only mean one thing.

Someone used my referral link:

Through my charming words, I successfully orange-pilled someone!

1000 tickets meant that I could spin the wheel four times. What’s the cumulative effect of Lady Luck?

Of course, these sats are too miserly even to buy me a cup of coffee, but their psychological dividends were immense. Someone had deemed my words convincing enough to give this app a shot. A few more referrals like this, and I can call myself a Bitcoin influencer!

Embarked on my work today with a song in my heart and a spring in my step. Thank you for your support, kind Internet stranger!

Read my article on My UX Experience: Simple Bitcoin