Opinion: Dogecoin DOGE is no joke token

In a digital world where technology is moving at a rapid pace, where physical cash is needed to be in your pocket less and less, to the emergence of the many Cryptocurrency Tokens on the the various exchanges - it great to sometimes grab a bit of fresh air and have a good laugh at the world going by.

Cryptocurrency is still by all respects an infant when it comes to global currency... Infant crypto might be, but it does not stop a Joker stepping up like the classroom clown, to throw out something ridiculous that makes you spit your coffee out on your computer screen. 

Even the daddy of all Crypto, Bitcoin, was still a relative baby on December 6th 2013, when Dogecoin (DOGE) was introduced to the world of Cryptocurrency to the fanfare of every humorous song and circus clown theme ever written. Coined at the expense of a joke you could say... Dogecoin, the joker of the pack - admitted there have been many more jokes and shitcoin hit the Internet and exchanges ever since... But is Dogecoin really still seen as the Jester of all Crypto Tokens?

It largely depends on your interaction with Cryptocurrency I suppose, and how serious you take your investing, but many a savvy crypto junky that has or have in the past, taken on the mantel of slicing into the pie of DOGE, can tell you that Dogecoin is not really the joke it was, is, could be said to be. 

We all know that mining crypto can be quite a real pain in the backside without the right power or investment... We all know mining can take time for very little reward, some of us turn to faucets and 'earn crypto' GPT websites to add the extra pennies to our wallets. Some of us are dipping into investing in cloud mining - well when we find the real deal cloud mines and not a harshly learned lesson from a scam.

For me, recently... I started to take a little interest in Dogecoin, and to my surprise I started to rack up a lot of DOGE very quickly through a couple of stable and well know mining pools, and many of the non-scamming faucets. Believe me, using the facilities out there in Internetland to collect and HODL Dogecoin are numerous... Very much spoiled for choice - this in turn creates the ideal climate to claim, mine, gather and HODL at quite a quick pace.

Now I am not nieve enough to start dripping with anticipation that DOGE is going to fly through the roof in value any time soon - Dogecoin is notorious for being at the wrong end of the zeros, but slight fluctuations when I have HODLed enough Dogecoin Tokens, can see quite a bit of profit... If the move is upward of course. Yes loses can be a bit of a pain when HODLing so much DOGE, but patience can prove virtuous, and in any case any losses can be addressed with a return to the faucets or mining quite quickly. 

In my opinion Dogecoin will start to increase in value in the coming years. Maybe not to the dizzy heights of Bitcoin or even Litecoin, but could certainly see $0.04 to $0.05 per coin in the near future, possibly as soon as in 5-years time if the expected predictions and investments remain the same or gather pace.

To be honest there is no huge windfall going to happen overnight, but at current levels below the zeros mark on average, it does not take a rocket scientist to understand - keep collecting the thousands of DOGE from the multiple resources, HODL as much as possible and there could be a surprise at the end of it. 

Just the few mundane reasons above are enough reason to stop naming Dogecoin a joker, a player, a runt... There are a multitude of reasons to start naming DOGE in the popular for reasons bracket (laughs out loud as I say this). 

Love it or hate it DOGE is more or less a top 100 Cryptocurrency, it has stayed the course and beaten back some much bigger competition via what is seeming a stalwart fanbase, and some clever investments and dealings.

Maybe it truly is time to stop calling Dogecoin a joke... There is so much more to add to Dogecoin via words... Too much for one article. Fact...