One Thing I Want The Most From Crypto

When I look back to four years ago, when I started dwelling in this universe called crypto, I can't be grateful enough TO MYSELF that I made it so far and to my good friend who introduced my to crypto and Hive, although unfortunately he never joined Hive.

Even if he did, he would not have all that time that I have to dedicate to this platform. So yeah, looking at what the world's become for the past two years, I am more than grateful for crypto...

I was reading an article today of zerohedge about "the great resignation" and how that could be highly influenced by the mandates regarding covid vaccine mandates, to which I am totally against.

Being a person who has managed to live off of my crypto earning, Hive playing the major role in that, I can only appreciate this technology even more. I look around at what some folks are directly and indirectly forced to do and I could only wish many more would get into crypto and join Hive too.

I am seriously thinking on getting my father to Hive as well. When I think of crypto though and the impact that it has on the lives of many of us and knowing that some of us are threatened to be losing their jobs if not getting vaccinated, I wish so much that all of these could find a way of making a living with crypto.

Crypto is somehow the way we can show the middle finger to the establishment and I could not think of a better alternative for these peeps forced by the circumstances to resign that to join this revolution. It hasn't made me rich yet and probably will never do, but it's a hell of an alternative.

I don't know if I could work any job right now that requires wearing a mask, or even worse having the vaccine... Hence I am highly grateful for crypto and the one thing that I want the most from it is not to become rich, but see many more able to leave the legacy system and make a living out of this.

I guess that's what Satoshi has designed Bitcoin for. I see it more as a mean of circumventing banks and their influence, and the system as a whole, than to leverage trade it or have it "bottled as futures products". We should really start using crypto, more than we trade it in order to make more of the legacy money.

We really don't need much to be able to build ourselves a parallel world to this ugly and constrictive one that the establishment has created for us. So, crypto Santa, I don't want no $100k Bitcoin this year, better give these people forced to resign due to vaccine mandates the option to make a living with crypto.

It's the best middle finger we can show to the establishment.

Thanks for attention,

Initially Posted Using LeoFinance Beta