On Publish0x, life, things I look forward to and other things that really piss me off


Greetings PUBLISH0X Community

Greetings community - YES if you come here often, you are not just getting free crypto, YOU ARE PART OF A VERY POSITIVE COMMUNITY.

And I star with this statement hoping that like myself, you guys and gals actually read the articles and learn more everyday - LIKE ME - yes I am one those people that know a bit more that the average person in all things crypto.

Despite me actually joining this site as just another way to earn some free crypto, and lets face it, we all need more passive income and I am no different that way. In the end of the day most people are unlikely to become large investors in crypto overnight, we should also keep in mind that crypto stands for individual rights for the masses, not another asset for the mega-rich and respective investment funds.

Crypto is for you... and everybody else too!


We keep forgetting what crypto stands for, it's idealistic beginnings, as a way for people worldwide to own their own currency and stop speculators and the top 1% high net worth individuals to enslave humankind by proxy. Those top 1% high net worth individuals have the power to shift markets in their favour for individual profit, often at the expense of millions of people that actually keep society working. MOST MONEY IS NOT IN MOST PEOPLE'S HANDS OR POCKETS, everyone's money is at best kept in a huge financial institution that profits heavily from everybody's money while paying very little interest, when they don't actually charge people for the privilege of keeping their money and playing roulette in the markets with people's money, and if they loose - THAT IS FINE APPARENTLY!


People's Elected Governments Bail Out Failing Banks

And guess what? They do that with the people's/taxpayers money, do they old referendums or any democratic instrument to consult the masses about what should be done about it? No because people's governments are at best influenced by high net value individuals and at worst controled by them by proxy.


The Recession - Financial Crisis

Which one?! How many? How long did each last? Who knows man, is it all the same recession or there are classifications for types of recession? Guess what is the same? YOU AND EVERYONE WILL PAY FOR IT WHILE BEING FURTHER ROBBED. If you where born after 2000 you probably don't have any memories of a world not in recession.


Don't just get angry - GET AND ACT SMART

YES - Crypto. Ignore the rumours and get some, how you get it's up to you, I don't give any financial advice to no-one, part of being financia successful for those that start with nothing is polishing up thinking skills and interpret information correctly, and until one can do that, one is always depending on good intentions of information providers. Publish0x is one way to earn free crypto AND LEARN AT THE SAME TIME.


Publish0x is a COMMUNITY

I will share one thing here with you all - I MADE MORE MONEY WITH THE INFORMATION I READ HERE THAN WITH TIPPING! Yes, I read the information shared here by so many of you and have made some profits just because of what I read here! I don't even request payments from Publish0x every time I reach the minimum, gas fees are over the roof and I would very like to see this platform making it through this rough wave, so I can wait!


THANK YOU ALL(I mean it, love you guys and gals)