Novogratz Ambitious: Bitcoin Will See $ 20k Again


Novogratz Ambitious: Bitcoin Will See $ 20k Again

Galaxy Digital CEO Michael Novogratz made a positive forecast about Bitcoin price.

Bitcoin price started to rise rapidly with the news of PayPal that came last night and reached the level of 9 thousand 800 dollars. At the moment, it is not clear where the next stop of Bitcoin, which was pulled to the level of 9 thousand 600 dollars. But Michael Novogratz thinks this stop will be up.


Novogratz, one of the famous names in the crypto money world, spoke to Kelly Evans, whom we know from CNBC. Novogratz evaluated the course of the cryptocurrency market and especially the future of Bitcoin during the program he participated in. Meanwhile, Novogratz also made an estimate of the Bitcoin price.

We already know that Novogratz is a Bitcoin bull and generally comments in favor of Bitcoin. He took a similar stance in his comments this time and said that Bitcoin would soon exceed the $ 10,000 threshold. But according to Novogratz, Bitcoin will not only go up to "14 thousand dollars, then 20 thousand dollars".

According to the opinion of Novogratz, it is the developments in the world economy that will make the price of Bitcoin so high. At this point, he points out to the policies that the US Central Bank (Fed) has been following in the past few months and how much money he has injected into the economy. The famous investor believes that over time, more people will invest in cryptocurrencies and that the price of Bitcoin will rise in this way.