No end in sight, why i think btc will hit $200k+ by 2021



All I can tell you right now is not to worry about the price as it fluctuates. We're going to see more of it. The reason I say don't worry is because Bitcoin has really never "mooned" yet. Bitcoin will recover to levels that you cannot fathom right now. When Bitcoin 1st hit $1100.00 USD around Oct 2013, all of us at the "Inside Bitcoins" convention in Vegas were joking about the pattern and how it will goto 10k in 4 years, well it went to 20k.  I think before or by December of 2021 we will see 200k and more likely 400k USD per Bitcoin.


The spreading of Coronavirus' could push us to this adoption much faster, but I still believe in that time period of Q4 2021 to be accurate. I've always been sure the federal government will release their own cryptocurrency, and now I believe it's going to be here by 2022. This will only drive Bitcoin to unprecedented levels. 5 BTC should be worth at least 1m dollars by end of 2021, it could be as much as 2m. Current cost measurements hold, we could see it.   


Certain financial markets are dying in the US as a result of Coronavirus. I won't get too much into that right now, but it's happening extremely quickly in the private lender market. The private lender market liquidity disappeared to zero almost immediately on Friday at the close of the stock market. This resulted in a million dollar loan for me being denied after being fully underwritten and approved last week. I figured it to happen. Prepare for a financial collapse around many markets. Real Estate, Stock, Gold, Silver, Gas, almost any investments, and Altcoins which are my favorite thing. I'll tell you right not that Bitcoin is not going to be one of those markets that dries up and disappears. In the long run (which is quite short) it's going to boom. It's much more likely to be the best technology and representation of a money that we've ever had.    


This isn't advice, so don't buy anything or sell anything because I told you so, I'm just expressing my opinion as one of the earliest pioneers in Bitcoin with my hands in all kinds of other stuff. Crypto is about to change everything as we know it, and you were all right about the future of crypto, I promise you that you were right, it's going to pop big time in the next 48 months. Thank you for supporting crypto like you have, here is what I ask of all of you now.

#1 Keep yourself safe physically.

#2 Make sure your loved ones have access to your private keys and that they understand how to import them properly. Lost keys are like burned coins.

#3 Keep believing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and spread the news by explaining to your friends and family on how it works.