
Too much movement on several fronts, among the incredible records of Bitcoin (BTC), Etherium (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB) there is enough material to work on the analysis, causes and future of these ATHs that have become a trend for everything the world, for the maximalists, the new ones, the entrepreneurs, the haters and for the rest of the mortals like us who always look for the best way to take advantage of these occasions.

But having a little more depth in these volatile topics, we must also mention this NFTmania that has been presented and that is setting interesting records within the DeFi world, and without a doubt, it is leading a change of thought rather than mass adoption. It also originates many speculations that feed on these experiences and distort a nascent world creating doubt and suspicion in those who are still adapting to the world of decentralized alternatives.

The issue of how NFTs are being capitalized is attractive, and apparently the concept of a single entity, unrepeatable and indivisible, and its representation in the virtual world is usually accompanied by an exclusive identity that varies from works of art, real estate to articles representative games. The concept associated with this topic is very varied but with a very particular point; its capitalization has been rising to exceptional levels, which suggests that great interest has been growing in this type of economic sub-systems.

Among the most benefited we can mention the world of games, where its competitive nature makes it an excellent operator that manifests itself through unique ecosystems that symbolize a constant attraction for that mass of users who seek unique and original opportunities

The income of these games and their tokens, in some cases also functioned as governance, have grown by more than 30%, at times being quite difficult to access these funds due to the unstable conditions that these decentralized fields register. Even the medium itself, such as Charlie Lee, is critical of these overvaluations, stating that this type of representation "lacks legitimate scarcity".

"Non-fungible token sales have been booming, and cryptocurrency sales in the past 30 days have exceeded $ 100 million in value." Part of this is the great interest that institutions such as the NBA or the NFL have also been exploring alliances of use to integrate this type of token to their operational and financial stages. The concept of NFTs are quite unique and their incursion into these worlds, both in the game and in sport, make it very attractive to have access to entry through a little-explored path.

Explore, investigate, as we have learned from the various categories offered by the DeFi's, so we must begin to separate the classes that their divisions offer us, including the NFTs and their development in worlds that know how to take advantage of a good opportunity. It is not unreasonable to think of an NFTmania for everything that surrounds us, a unique and unrepeatable assessment.

The information represented in this writing is based on the concepts found in some articles whose links are placed at the end of this paragraph. For a greater depth of the facts presented in this space, it is advisable to read it for a better understanding.
