Newbies...Click Here

If you are reading this post, then chances are you are a Newbie, a Noob, or (dare I say it..), a Crypto-virgin! Unless, you are one of an ever increasing number of well-versed, sometimes hardcore, crypto-fundis, giving this post a casual glance. Never-the-less, whoever you be, Hello and a warm welcome.

Before I proceed, I need to say this...

     -Please note that the info shared here is from my own experiences and is NOT to be taken as financial advise. As with anything in life - Do Your Own          Research.

     -Also, the links I provide are usually referral/affiliate links, whereby I and sometimes you, may receive some sort of small remuneration /kickback. In           which case I humbly urge you to sign up using my links, please.

Right, that said, back to the bizniz at hand...

The Basics ( Crypotocurrency as I understand it )

The crypto-verse is a decentralized, peer-to-peer transactional system. (meaning no single person, company, bank, government, entity etc. has control of your coins.) Thus, your fiat/local currencies would not work here as banks and governments control these. And so, Bitcoin was born, to be that decentralized digital cryptocurrency that was easily/readily exchanged between two parties.

And that's it in a nutshell. Of course there is so, so much more to it, but that will be for another post. (Maybe!)

Now since the creation of Bitcoin, there has been a surge of new and different coins springing up, left, right, and center. To mention some of them:

       - Ethereum (ETH)

       - Litecoin (LTC)

       - Bitcoincash (BCH)

       - Dogecoin (DOGE)

       - Ripple (XRP)

       - Tron (TRX)

 ... and trust me, there are so many more and the list keeps growing.

To make sense of this cryptocurrency, I would say that Bitcoin is like the US Dollar and all these other cryptocoins are like the various other currencies from the different countries, for example, Pounds, Rupees, Rands, Euros etc.

So, how do you get you hands on these "magical coins" that seem to be growing in popularity? And, now that the crypto-bug has bitten you, you have this feeling in your gut/stomach. It's like a tight knot. You know want those coins and you want them NOW! That, my friends is FOMO! (Fear Of Missing Out!) Now, just take a deep breath and relax. You will get them coins, YES you will ! And I will show you how...

Now, I think the easiest way would be to buy these coins using your fiat / government issued paper money at an exchange, such as Binance or KuCoin.

But, these days, who has extra fiat money available? So, another way is to earn it. How?? Well, by doing simple tasks online, such as writing articles/posts, viewing ads, watching videos, playing games etc. And for doing this, you will get paid in cryptocurrency. In essence, fulfilling the basic purpose of cryptocurrency.

And that's it for this post. I highly recommend you to subscribe/follow me as I will be going into further details on the various opportunities available to earn cryptocurrency in future posts.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post in its entirety and if you found it to your liking then hit that like button, follow me and maybe even give me a tip!

Check back soon. Bye for now.


Photo by Sharefaith from Pexels