Mykos Inglewood - Bitcoin MYK a Top 10 Crypto?

// Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor; this interview is to highlight a member of the cryptocurrency community and the great work they have done. This is not a recommendation to invest. //

Introduction: In our first interview, we are highlighting a member of the cryptocurrency community seeking to make tangible change in the world economic system. We have interviewed Mykos Inglewood, the CEO of Bitcoin MYK. Mykos is a serial investment banker, business broker and venture capitalist. He holds Series 7 and 3 licenses.

He first heard about cryptocurrency through a virtual gaming world of Second Life, an online multiplayer role-playing platform created by Linden Labs out of San Francisco. “Investment in new technology was already a field I was involved in,” said Mykos, so it makes sense that he would end up not only investing in crypto but creating his own token.

Trading Information: Bitcoin MYK is a Bitcoin fork token formerly known as the Mykos token and is trading on They also have a stable coin trading on .

Mission excerpt: <> "You also get free cryptocurrency from Zapit wallet for using our referral code: bitcoinmyk," said Mykos.

Aspirations: Mykos seeks to be a source of inspiration for those in the cryptocurrency community by showing how innovation is possible with blockchain. He has created one of the most successful Universal Basic Income projects in the world using his knowledge of blockchain technology and is seeking to change wealth inequality in our world through his UBI program. According to the richest 1% of the world owns 44% of the world’s wealth. Mykos and his team are seeking to close this gap and create positive change in the world for people who have been economically suppressed for too long.

“In short summary crypto already provides an efficient system over the blockchain which would be able to supply UBI to most of the world cost effective nearly free transactions. We feel UBI can only really work in this format. We believe now we’re already at a place where UBI is becoming a household name. In our own polling data and research, we believe 80% of the globe would opt for UBI.” 

Bitcoin MYK Predictions: “I believe it will become a top 10 crypto within 5 years and mass adopt over 2 billion users worldwide.”  Here is a current look at the pricing of BTCMYK on Hive Engine:

General Cryptocurrency Advice: In terms of what Mykos would tell a beginner cryptocurrency investor, he says that “I would suggest only buy cryptocurrencies you actually use or have used. Never FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) in. Don’t treat this space like a gambling casino or you may have results similar to one.” (This is definitely a tip that would have helped me!) He believes that it is imperative to get involved in cryptocurrency. “I would say get involved with cryptocurrency to take back what always belonged to you and that is your money. Governments have the right to print money and usurp your value through taxation. If you believe you should have more control in that way then I’d say cryptocurrency if for you.

Conclusion: Mykos believes that blockchain technology is the cure for the woes of global economic systems, and really took the initiative to back up that claim with the work that he has done. He’s done great work in the crypto community and we were happy to have him as our first interview. Take a look at his projects, you could be taking a look at the project that will serve as the great equalizer in global wealth standards.

 Check these out:

Mykos’ Youtube Channel

Bitcoin MYK Whitepaper/Website

Future Interviews: The point of this blog is to reflect on positive work that has been done in the cryptocurrency community. If you have any stories you would like to share about yourself or someone you know the field, please reach out to me at as I would love to highlight as many crypto success (and fun/fail) stories as I can! If you have felt inspired by someone or have been a member of a supportive cryptocurrency community or initiative, please share!