My Top 3 Wish List for Publish0x

It's been almost a year on PUBLISH0X and it is a fantastic platform to connect, share content and learn from many others in the crypto space.  The simplicity and home town feel of the community combined the amazingly high level of crypto capabilities of the users make for an amazing experience.

As we all look to improve on what we do, whether it be development, our own personal writing prowess or other goals, we all should have a wishlist, goal list or other intended outcome for our days.  Here is my Top 5 Wishlist for Publish0x.


From Great to Better Than Great

I have been using Publish0x long enough now, that there is a grouping of experiences to draw from to better inform my thoughts about the platform.  Publish0x is seriously good stuff.  Whether it is Igor's writing when it comes to contest descriptions & everything else he is involved with (which is a ton!), or Smoljanovic on the Telegram channel, the crew is great!

If nothing changed from this day forward, short term I would be totally fine with the platform as is today.  As humans we always strive to do things better and create value for those around us, so I have a few thoughts about areas that might amplify the Publish0x experience and expand in the marketplate.

Let's dig in.


Content Management

When it comes to content management, I like just about everything with Publish0x.  Having spent a little time with a wordpress blog, there's an appreciation for how overcomplicated things can become very quickly when trying to add all of the bells and whistles.

The one area I would add is to see some kind of archiving function.  I suppose there are two ways to look at this.  If someone is writing or better said originating their content on the platform, there could be something to be said to starting it somewhere else to catalogue and manage from that particular location.

In lieu of that option it would be helpful to have an archive ability or maybe more specifically an option to download a zip of articles or content that is published.


Exchange Management

Can we say fees?  I absolutely appreciate the the team at Publish0x working through all of the issues surrounding exorbitant fees.  It's actually quite nauseating to see what the fee craziness has turned into and it just hurts everyone else here on the platform in terms of ability to tip great content creators etc. 

Also, just in the time that I have been around the tipping assets have changed (that's a good thing).  LRC, BAT, ETH, AMPL, FARM & and I am sure that I'm missing one or two in there, but having the ability to combine them might be a bonus.

Just from a few of the latest articles and seeing some of the options on the table, having an option for tips going straight into exchange accounts and go from there sounds very promising and may rectify all of this.

Working from an exchange may also help with some of the reporting as well.    As taxes begin to take more solid form in terms of what everyone can expect, the reporting functionality may be very valuable for everyone involved.

Yes, we can always just go straight to the different explorers and go from there, but adds a few different steps.  Potato... Potatoe...


Social Platforms

Over the year I have watched with absolute dismay the censorship that has taken place across different main stream social media platforms.  So much to the effect that I have exited all but a few.  Even those I am actively searching out and testing different options.

As far as the widgets available for linking different social content to different articles, it would be great to include some of the other blockchain based platforms. Rebuzz, Uptrennd, & Vitae are just a few that come to mind along with Bitchute and Rokfin.

I may be stepping a bit out of line here, but IMHO the sooner everyone can jettison FB, IG, Google & Twitter the world will be a better place.

For now the workaround is hyperlinks to screenshots of the pages we want.  Not an elegant solution by any means, yet it works.


Our Needs Are Small We Just Like to Write

It is really that simple.  We could add some silly humor in here to say wouldn't it be great if we could add a feature to write the articles, but not really.  That would take the pure joy out of all of this.  

There are probably a dozen authors that I really enjoy reading their work along with probably 50 more that have some interesting content when I actually have the time to be still and just read and consume.  At the end of the day Publish0x is a phenomenal community in my opinion.  

Glad to see the groups continuing to grow and excited to see where the platform goes next.