My Favorite Crypto Project!A

So, I'm here again and this type I like this topic so decided to spread some knowledge about it. Uptrennd has always been my first priority but aside from it my favourite crypto project is "Swirge"



Let me introduce you guys how I found this project? I've been keen on checking coingecko trending coins and I say this gem trending while 300%+ in just a few hours I was shocked to see that and joined it's all social media channels. It's been 3 months I've been following it and the progress is quite a phenomenal wait... I feel like this gem is still hiding while putting up serious updates. It is quite undervalued maybe their team is focusing more on tech then marketing but I like its progress and I believe it can boom at any moment!


Why it's my Favourite?

I believe earning is not only the thing where you decide or do criticism on any project. I believe better crypto analysts will never badmouth a project having strong foundations not saying I'm a Crypto analyst but that's what I see. Everyone nowadays wants free money so rapidly and they think they will conquer that platform easily while having free money so fast like "Upvote Farming in Uptrennd" people spammed the whole platform there. Aside from this factor, I would love to introduce you the real fundamentals of Swirge.


Swirge is more than a social media platform

Its like an umbrella solving all issues and meeting market needs in all under a single platform.


Wanna take control of your Swerves?

Swirge allows you that, no one can delete or remove your post because all post done on Swirge platform are saved in a smart contract and you have only access to your posts whether you wanna delete them or not. That's more likely the true definition of decentralized Social media platform.


Wanna process super fast free payments?

Swirge has a built-in in a wallet where you can store BNB, SWG, BTC, ERC and all ERC-20 tokens also it enables you to swap in the platform by using an atomic exchange which is a DEX and allows you wallet connect services from which you can link your external wallet to Swirge wallet easily.


Wanna buy/Sell products using crypto?

No need to go anywhere Swirge has a decentralized Marketplace too you can buy sell products by paying in various currencies including swgb, Jul, julb, NGN and many others.


Heard about multi-chain support?

Let me introduce you content you post in Swirge is saved in a smart contract but Swirge allows you to use its platform whether on BINANCE Smart Chain or Matic Network it's really amazing and super fast on Matic Network I've tried it.


High gas fees?

Swirge token is unique in the sense that it's token is on both Binance Smart Chain & Ethereum Blockchains so you can easily convert your $SWG (ERC-20) to $SWGB (BEP20) and trade it on JulSwap easily with the fees of few cents only. Wait... Not only this you can stake SWGB in julswap and win exciting amounts I've staked mine ??


Wanna get reward on Swirge?

I wanna make you clear that Swirge awarded its early adopter with high rewards users spammed the whole platforms crashing the earning system now they have deployed rewards based on random activities so you'll be earning an amount while you like/share/comment on Swirge so it's more likely rewards you but it's not an earning platform where you want to be rich in lesser time so if you want to use it for earning only then it's not for you.

Note: Regarding pending Withdrawals and errors while requesting withdraw their team is working on that to decided an algorithm where they can easily omit spammers and pay the real ones.

All under a single Umbrella!

The best part is that these all features I've defined above are present in a single platform and they have an android and ios app too. You can easily download it from Playstore I'm pretty confident about their future, Their token is undervalued, the platform is promising, the project is solid, owners are known that's what every crypto trader wants future seems bright they are working on tech nowadays and they will be known in the market soon when they are done with their upgrades.

For all Queries & Questions Just contact Swirge Support

~> Click HERE for Swirge Support <~


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Swirge Support

Image Source

All other images are taken from Swirge Twitter