My "almost" Millionaire Friend: A Crypto Anecdote Part 2

This is a continuing story about my effort to popularize and BCH among my friends. Let's call her Amy not her real name. I approached her first among my friends because I know she needed some extra cash for her personal expenses.

I chatted Amy yesterday and asked how she was doing. She said she was fine and doing some household chores. I started our conversation with the casual, "I'd like to tell you something but don't tell anyone about it" just to make her curious. When she agreed, I followed it up with the question, "Are you familiar with Crypto". I wanted to know where she is coming from so that I will know how to introduce it to her.

To my surprise, she said yes and there was a time she and her husband invested in BTC but she said she might have forgotten her password. Speechless, it took me about a minute before I could compose my next message. I advised her to recall her password since the value of BTCH is very high already. What she told me next almost made me fall on my chair. She said that there was a time, probably 2 years ago, when she invested Php 15,000 or $307 in BTC. However, she had an emergency and withdrew the investment immediately with only Php 2000 or $41 as profit.

From 2019 to present BTC has increased by 1,567%. Her $307 investment could be now worth $4,800. She is close to becoming my first Millionaire friend if she kept it there. More about this story in my blogs. Spoiler, according to Amy, we have another friend who bought BTC. I hope this friend saved his BTC.

More to follow about this micro story of mine.

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