Minecraft Players to Enjoy NFT Tokens Developed by Microsoft and Enjin

The game players would be able to acquire NFTs that they can use to unlock new levels and quest in the Minecraft game server.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) together with Enjin has developed a game that would reward players with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for use inside one of the most popular games in the world, Minecraft. The game is named Azure Space Mystery.

Azure Space Mystery is an educational puzzle game that has its settings in the International Space Station. In this game, players would meet leading female scientists that have, through their works, impacted on humanity. Some of these female scientists include the first two women scientists to be accepted into the Royal Astronomical Society, astronomer Caroline Herschel and scientist Mary Somerville.

Other prominent female scientists in the game include the first female licensed pilot in the world, Raymonde de Laroche and the popular Alexandrian philosopher, and mathematician Hypatia. These female characters made a name for themselves in the field of science by shattering the barriers and the restrictions placed upon the female gender.

The game players would be able to acquire NFTs that they can use to unlock new levels and quest in the Minecraft game server. These acquired heroes can then be regenerated using the EnjinCraft plugin into the game.

According to Microsoft, the game proves that interoperability can be achieved across multiple platforms. Sherry List, a developer with the tech giant, also mentioned that the collaboration between both firms has given her department an opportunity to merge technology and educational tools.

The Vice President operations and Communications at Enjin, Bryana Kortendick, noted that education would play a pivotal role in grooming the next generation. She added that her firm was proud to have worked together with Microsoft on a project that celebrates great women scientists and also providing an opportunity “for merging virtual worlds (and) bringing digital communities closer.”

How to Play the Game and Get NFT Tokens Created by Microsoft and Enjin

The first part of the game is text based. In this part, the player attempts to “explore and repair” a failing international space station. Upon the successful completion of this task, they are then led to a webpage with a QR code.

That code, when scanned, would automatically generate an NFT that drops to the player’s wallet with Enjin which they can then link to a server in Minecraft, MyMetaVerse. After the linkage, access would be granted to Microsoft’s NFTs which “a user can type a directive /wallet that will spawn collectible companions who follow the user around the server and protect them.”

Completion of the newly unlocked levels on Minecraft would enable the game players to earn new fungible tokens that provides them with new benefits on Telegram and Discord. These tokens can help a user unlock “exclusive chat groups” on these messaging applications.

Presently, the game is available on Microsoft’s website and it is free to join.

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Oluwapelumi is a believer in the transformative power Bitcoin and Blockchain industry holds. He is interested in sharing knowledge and ideas. When he is not writing, he is looking to meet new people and trying out new things.