Mine Doge with Rollercoin!

One of the best coins to mine today in ROLLERCOIN is: Dogecoin.

Why? Because in the short term people will buy Dogecoin making the price increase in value, and goes up to means that in a long-term projection the price will goes down again.

For this reason, this one of the best token options to mine in Rollercoin today.

Why Dogecoin is the best one?

Because if you mine a coin/token in a lower price you will use less mining power to create your passive income in this mining simulation.

If you try to mine Bitcoin/Ethereum maybe you can mine only a few coins to store in your wallet(and/or bank account).

At the moment, Dogecoin increases in value but still is costing a few dollars which makes everything good to mine this coin, and create a passive income with Rollercoin hashpower.

Best Strategy: RollerToken + Dogecoin!

Another good option is mining the official stablecoin available on the game, named: Rollertoken.

This token will help you earn more money by reinvesting your tokens to buy another useful miners with a higher hashpower.

You can mine Dogecoin, and sell to USDT with the purpose of depositing more money into your Rollercoin account, and create compound interesting to buy new miners, and/or new crypto tools available on the marketplace.


Other good opportunity to mine Dogecoin, and big diversity of cryptocurrencies is Rollercoin with this mining simulation you will create a good profit and get much more money with passive income.

Enjoy the DIP to mine much more coins, and sell to a higher price.