Mastercard not being left behind Visa

Mastercard not being left behind Visa


Recall just two short weeks ago Visa jumped into the Crypto Fray with both feet. Not to be left behind Mastercard is preparing for the future by adopting Crypto and payments now.

Mastercard is developing the necessary guardrails so people can feel safe about this new monetary phenom 

Rules - Mastercard will NOT allow all Crypto's to be purchase. Think in terms of the assets that offer security and reliability will be permitted... so think Stablecoins!

Mastercard Partnerships - BitPay & Wirex are already signed and part of their testing.

Goal - Mastercard to allow Merchants to accept Crypto in 2021!

Summary - payment industry is rushing to support the Crypto realm. However you must think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.


Enjoy the Journey!