Mark Cuban was wrong one time, too (it's okay to not always be right)

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Despite what I just said in my last post about trying to find the right and not the wrong in things, when Mark Cuban said that gold is dead and it was all over the crypto headlines, I had to speak out. Perhaps as a store of value, gold is dead; but a lot of people value the utility of things, and to them gold is still quite valuable.

To get this out of the way... commercial gold alloys can last just as long as any other alloy that's chosen to make coins (longer, in fact), and can still go through the wash thousands or hundreds of thousands more times than paper/fabric. Don't quote me on those numbers.


  • It can be fashioned to treat cancer (1) (8) (though reportedly vitamin C can do that by itself, too (2) )


  • It underlies the functioning of many to almost all of our electronics (3)


  • ^^ That includes green machines (6)


  • It can be fairly easily molded to fit almost any nanoapplication that you may want it for (4) (5) (7)


  • Many humans also value gold jewelry


I've done some research, but never found any scientifically validated benefits of wearing gold jewelry (though I believe there might be some). I have heard somewhere, though, that at least one pharaoh was known to eat gold. I forgot which one, but it doesn't matter. It was a YouTube video. From what I recall, he may have had it baked into his bread, and it may have been added in a special form, known in some places as monoatomic, m-state gold, or ormus. This mystical substance could also easily have been a mixture of other rare metals (probably including gold) and/or salts. That's not to say that you should buy monoatomic gold on the internet, because the stuff on sale is probably mostly some form of table salt, or perhaps a different sea salt like KCl (this is what I mean:, but I do believe that an alchemical gold product really exists apart from in the immortal philosopher's mind. To be fair, the Amazon product linked is not marketed as pure monoatomic gold to those that read before they buy. In any case, I don't have a laboratory to attempt to make the stuff, but I do have a notepad in which I hypothesized at least two failures and one reasonable scheme to produce it, once upon a time.

This research really makes me wish that more college professors also valued the utility of projects rather than publishing things in an obscure journal that most people can't read. Of course there are really good ones out there, but I think the trouble is finding them...

Whatever the case, they're all doing their own sort of alchemy.

We must always make sure to cherish good people when we find them.


... And cherish good crypto games, too, like Kolobok Adventures, because there aren't too many of them (I'm still waiting for Alien Worlds to actually be a game, and we're not even going to talk about R-Planet). Check it out if it flew under your radar. It costs less than 1 WAX to get started.


Keep flexing those neurons~

