M5S Proposed to Use Blockchain to Stop Fuel-related Crimes

The Italian political party Five Star Movement (M5S) is intending to use modern technologies like distributed LEDGER tech (DLT) and blockchain to check buses and track crimes, during the gas station strikes.

Reportedly, the two days’ nationwide strikes were not administered by gas station employees, but by angry gas station owners and managers. They were rebelling against the newly-introduced measures by the government, like the inclusion of the mandatory electronic invoicing system, which according to the protestors, would “increase bureaucracy without having any value in the fight against illegality or fiscal infidelity.”

This strike was countered by the Five Star Movement representatives from the Productive Activities Committee with solutions ranging from the use and implementation of tamper-free technology, like blockchain and distributed ledger tools.

Blockchain would enable tracking of fuel and gas in all steps of the supply network, and would completely eliminate the misuse of these resources, and prevent illegal trafficking of mineral oils, and fuel-related crimes.

About Five Star Movement:

The Five Star Movement or Movimento 5 Stelle is an Italian political party founded by Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio on October 4, 2009. In 2014 Beppe Grillo appointed a directorate composed of five leading MPs -Luigi Di Maio, Alessandro Di Battista, Roberto Fico, Carlo Sibilia, and Carla Ruocco.