Love and cryptocurrencies

The moment you know that it is impossible to love. When they have already done so much damage to your heart that you do not know how to get out of that sadness, it is just when I discover that the world of investments, cryptocurrencies, business exists.


How many times have my friends told me not to think about love, that it will come, and how many times have I been sad for ignoring them.


There is only one thing in life that has made me forget how lonely I am, and that is the world of investing.


Thousands of projects go through my head, leaving very little room in my head to think about love. There are already many misfortunes that have happened to me and I really do not regret that this is so.


  • Should I be afraid of avoiding my feelings through money? Probably.


  • If someday I lose all my money, am I going to get even sadder? Probably


  • So far has money made me forget about my shitty love life? insurance


If you want to win money doing nothing enter at my telegram group.