Libertas AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram Group


On 17th of January Libertas conducted an AMA in Crypto Revolution Community. It was their second AMA in the group. Our guests were Kyle, Founder of Libertas and Cadaepi, CTO! Let’s take a look at most interesting points from our conversation!



Danny | Crypto Revolution: Time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome our friends from Libertas for their 2nd AMA in the group.

Kyle | Libertas: Hello everyone!

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Happy to have you again with us.

Cadaepi | Libertas: Sweet, hey everyone!

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Chat Kyle is one of the CEOs who always been active in the group. Could you please introduce yourselves guys for the Community?

Cadaepi | Libertas: Sure! Im Filip, CTO of Libertas, and I’m the main developer for Vox. Libertas Vox :)

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Why you start working for Libertas? ??

Kyle |Libertas: I’m Kyle Allbright — Founder of the Libertas Project, Freespeech advocate and have always worked with technology.

Cadaepi | Libertas: Great question, I’ve first heard about libertas back in summer last year, really loved the vibe of the project, honesty of the founders so I offered my help, and half a year later here we are.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: What is the major problem of the Technology today in your opinion?

Congratulations on being part of the Team Cadaepi ??

Cadaepi | Libertas: Thanks! Its been an awesome ride so far.

Danny| Crypto Revolution:I’m sure a lot more is cooking for the next few weeks/months ??

Cadaepi | Libertas: For sure! We have a lot up in our sleeve and cant wait to share with everyone when new stuff is ready :)

Kyle |Libertas: A combination of the internal politics at places like YouTube, Spotify etc, cancel culture — and using artificial intelligence against content creators in the form of demonetization & shadow banning.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: And here comes Libertas to solve this ??

Kyle |Libertas: Indeed!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please introduce Libertas in layman’s term for our Community?

Kyle |Libertas: Laymans terms:

- We are a podcast streaming service ( for our DAPP)

- We will not ban you for political reasons

- You can receive tips from day one (We are working on this now)

- Content perpetuity

- No need to give us your personal information just login with metamask

- Blockchain based so your content will forever remain

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Nice. So the DAPP was launched October last year. How many people are using it at the moment?

Kyle |Libertas: We have just released our first fully functional version and so we have had a lot of listeners to our podcast (The Libertas Show) and we have had a few uploaders but we are beginning the onboarding process shortly once the tipping system is live.

This is not to say that people should not be uploading now — we encourage it, everybody is welcome to start uploading. You will be tipped as soon as the tipping contract goes live.

Cadaepi | Libertas: Just to add to that, currently users dont have access to the list of podcasts they uploaded, but this will also come with the tipping feature.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Any appropriate time when this will be released?

Cadaepi | Libertas: We are hoping that it will be live within a month from now.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Got you ?? What Podcasts you already have

Kyle |Libertas:

That’s episode one of the Libertas Show where the team discusses the project ??

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Nice. Chat you may want to listen to that one ??

Kyle |Libertas: Apart from that we have some Ted Talks, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Samuel Beckett & even Isaac Asimov.

Q1 from @JinJrx

When is VOX DAPP ready to go public, and how will your PODCAST system work for us so we can get instant tips or rewards what should we do?

Kyle |Libertas: The DAPP is already live and useable, go to

We are expecting the tipping functionality to be ready and implemented within the next month.

In the meantime we would like to encourage any content creator that is currently looking for platforms to upload their content to, and creators who are on their final YouTube violations to upload their podcasts to our platform now, to ensure your fans can still follow you in the eventuality that Big Tech has decided to silence your voice too.

The steps Content Creators need to take are simple:

Go to

Log in with Metamask

Upload the podcast

As soon as tipping is live (within the next month) your wallet will be mapped to your content and you will receive tips from your fans.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Nice. I guess big Marketing will come as well next month?

Kyle |Libertas: Yes we are working on that now, as well as working directly with content creators to start migrating their content.

Q2 from @Charles04474580

Libertas is a decentralized audio and podcast streaming service built on the Ethereum Blockchain. Why did you choose Ethereum ? What do you think is the advantage of Ethereum over Polkadot?

Cadaepi | Libertas: We have chosen Ethereum because, although, it isnt perfect, it is the most adopted and widely used programmable blockhain out there. It does currently have some scaling issues, which will be solved by ETH transition to PoS, which is hopefully not too far away now. In the meantime we are looking into implementing L2 solutions to reduce transaction fees on our platform.

The main advantage of Ethereum over Polkadot is that its been battle tested and proven to be a safe blockchain, and therefore safe to build on. In addition, majority of blockchain developers expertise is in ETH, and it is already hard to find good blockchain devs as it is. However we definitely recognize Polkadot’s potential and will be watching its development and adpotion. We are not opposed to switching blockchains if it can be of benefit to Libertas.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: What benefits will have Libertas Token Holders when using the DAPP?

Cadaepi | Libertas: For example only libertas holders will be able to use our ‘Liberate’ feature which is similar to a LIKE on youtube, but your Libertas amount will determin the power of your Like on VOX. Podcasts that are most liked or ‘Liberated’ will be featured on the homepage

Also the tx cost of tipping using LIBERTAS will be significantly cheaper than sending tips in other currencies

Kyle |Libertas: Holding our token will also yield holders a proportional 4.5% percentage of all tips routed through our system — the content creator keeps 90%.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Got you guys. This are nice use cases.

Kyle |Libertas: You can imagine our tipping system similar to farming except you gain rewards based on the overall usage of the network.

Danny| Crypto Revolution:Yeah, pretty dope.

Today I spotted on Twitter that you may add Libertas Liquidity on Sushiswap? ??

Kyle |Libertas: We might be doing that today or tomorrow yes :eyes:

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Nice. Why you decided to do this?

Kyle |Libertas: For the same reason that we are also listed on IDEX — We want to give everyone options on where they trade.

Q3 from @Ontortk

Security is really important and valued. What are Libertas security measures? How is it protected against any hacking attempt?, and in case it does, is there insurance for investors?

Cadaepi | Libertas: Great question.

We take security very seriously, that is why we are using IPFS for our hosting, so that if something happened to our frontend infrastructure, the uploaded podcasts are still safe and sound. This ensures that we do not rely on a centralized 3rd party to host our files, but rather we are utilising a peer to peer network to eliminate single point of failure.

Our backend infrastructure security rules are managed by an experienced sys-admin in line with the industry standard practise.

Further, we do not collect any user data and do not manage anybody’s wallets or funds, so even if our internal db gets hacked there isn’t any data to be leaked or misused. In addition, the smart contracts currently in development which will enable features such as tipping will undergo a security audit in the future to prove their safety.

Currently no insurance policy is in place, however there are no user funds to be stolen at this stage of the project. We will of course be revising our strategies as we implement more advanced features.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: You guys plan any partnerships with another Crypto Projects out there?

Kyle |Libertas: We have IPFS lined up for partnership and then we have a few organisations that we are working with — for example in development we are using a feature on Uniswap to assist us with the conversion of tokens. When we integrate further with Sushiswap we may seek further partnerships there.

1st Linkedin Question


Kyle |Libertas: We would love to host you on Libertas Vox.

The prize on our platform comes in the form of Tips, that your fans will be able to give you, starting next month.

Unlike other platforms, where you have to meet so many criteria before your content can be monetized, on Libertas Vox, you get monetized as soon as your fans like your content and decide to tip you.

Come chat with us on our Telegram Channel about your podcast.

2nd Question from Linkedin


Kyle |Libertas: In 2016 the first Content Creator was banned from Youtube and deplatformed from everywhere else. That’s when I knew the era of Big Tech silencing had begun. I knew everyone could become a target for demonetization, censorship, deplatforming. As a firm believer in Freedom of Speech, I wanted to create a safe space for all creators to come and speak their mind, a place where they didn’t have to wait months and years before getting tips, a place that promotes discussion and a place that allow for content to forever be accessible.

The advantages we offer are:

- Tips from day one

- Freedom of Speech is upheld, everyone can have a podcast and get their message out without the need for self censorship

- Content perpetuity

- Selectable pool of advertisers (in the near future)

- A marketplace for content creators to be able to sell their own merch (in the near future)

- No need to log in, we hold NO personal details for Creators or users, everything is as anonymous as you want it to be

- A bottom up structure, unlike Big Tech where it’s top down

- First Crypto Dominant Podcast Infrastructure

- The Founders and the Team are always available to chat with on Telegram and other platforms

- Team is doxxed (Not anonymous) — we are a UK Registered company

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Why you think people have to be tipped for their Podcasts?

Kyle |Libertas: Many content creators have already had their payment processors blocked — Alex Jones being the number one use case on this one. has also been blocked by paypal. By using cryptocurrency and Libertas Token users can get paid outside of the traditional financial system even when big tech has tried their best to deny them.


Question: When users tip content creators — how much percentage of it get’s burnt forever?

Answer: 1%


Question: What does IPFS stand for?

Answer: InterPlanetary File System


Question: How do users log onto Libertas Vox?

Answer: With metamask


Question: Which category has most uploads currently on Vox?

Answer: Audiobooks


Telegram User:

Considering that the project is a community-based can you tell me what are the benefits to the most committed users?

Kyle |Libertas: The most committed users will gain the largest share of the commission when tips are live, they will also be able to perform abilities on the network such as ‘liberating’ shows which gives those shows more exposure. Content creators that are very active will benefit from being tipped by their followers and fans.

Telegram User:

In the world cryptocurrency competition, features are of the utmost importance to attract investors and the community! Can you provide a list of killer features that scare your competitors over your project?

Cadaepi | Libertas: — tipping using cryptocurrency

- inability to shadowban, demonetize or censor anyone in any way

- peer to peer hosting solution

Telegram User:

How does support small content creators in your project?

Kyle |Libertas: With YouTube and the others it takes a very long time to start earning ad revenue — and that’s if you follow all of the rules. With Libertas you can earn tips on your very first upload. (When tips are live). Also content creators have much more exposure on our platform since we do not have a large catalogue yet. Users can come and talk to the founders & developers if they have questions, suggestions, feedback — which the team can then take on board and improve the platform WITH the people using it.

Telegram User:

I’ am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosytem periodically and also invite developers to build?

Cadaepi | Libertas: We are thinking of creating a bug bounty program in the future to help us secure our platform.

Telegram User:

As You know, Many people judge a Project By the Token price, What do you have to Say to investors?

Cadaepi | Libertas: Firstly token price is not important, market cap is. Secondly long term holders will always be rewarded, we are not trying to scam anyone or rugpull. You know hot the saying goes, “Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered”.

Telegram User:

About adoption, a lot of users have only celphone. Do you have any perspective to create an app of libertas, in playstore to upload the podcasts?

Kyle |Libertas: We do not intend to use the play store because of what just happened to Parler. (They have been removed from all stores, and AWS has removed their hosting — aka, they’re dead in the water). Instead we have built a WebApp that you can pin to your homescreen that functions just like a regular app — including playback behind the lockscreen & workable controls.

Telegram User:

I am a newbie trader and just want to learn before I start investing, do you offer any educational courses that I can learn from?

Cadaepi | Libertas: Not as of yet, we will be introducing guides and tutorials for our platform for cryptocurrency newcomers, later down the road.

Telegram User:

Most projects are just talking about their strengths and what they have achieved so far. At this time we will talk about difficulties and challenges. What difficulties have you faced and how have you overcome them?

Kyle |Libertas: As I am sure all of you are aware since DeFi took off back in March last year the gas fee’s on ETH have been ludicrous — as such we will be implementing an L2 solution to mitigate this.

Telegram User:

Projects that are not traded on major exchanges remain unnoticed. What does you think about listing the token on the leading exchanges?

Cadaepi | Libertas: Our goal is to not only get noticed by crypto traders, but we also aim to attract people who dont have any experience with crypto currencies yet. Majority of world barely knows about bitcoin, if we can capture a lot of newcomers to the industry I think this will have a far greater value for our project than being listed on a major exchange, which would make a big dent into our budget at this time.


Danny| Crypto Revolution: Final Words for Community please ??

Cadaepi | Libertas: Thank you for the amazing AMA Danny. And thank you to everyone showing interest in our project. We are working very hard to bring you the best we can and more :) Stay tuned for more amazing updates.

Kyle |Libertas: We are looking forward to welcoming everyone who wants to be part of the NEXT Generation of Streaming Technology, built using a Bottom Up approach, where the user is NOT the product (unlike Big Tech’s invasive approach), please join our Telegram channel if you have any further questions.

Thanks a lot Danny — brilliant host as always.

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