Let's talk about Pi!

When we think about mining, we think about bit computers, a lot (a loooooooot) of energy and usually Bitcoin. But did you know that you could actually mine on your phone? The Pi network that has launched a couple years ago and has been developed by Stanford students allows you to mine for free on your phone. I have been using it for a couple months now and I am currently at over 200 Pis mined. I can say that the app DOES NOT drain my phone battery and I have nothing to do except open the app once a day and click on the mine button! 

There are already about 13 millions users or Pioneers is what Pi miners are called. I can tell you that it is growing everyday, when I joined, the community was at 10 millions users and has grown in only 2 months! The current mining rate is 0.10 Pi per hour and you can add another 0.0 Pi/hour per referee. I honestly wish I got introduced to Pi earlier as the rate is getting lower and lower and used to be way higher than that. I could have 10 times what I have today and the rate will keep decreasing and new users will soon be unable to mine so you need to get on it quickly! 

At the end of the year 2021, it is expected that Pi will launch to the big Defi platforms and have their own wallet as well! As of right now, Pi is worth nothing since it is not present on the trading platforms, but once released, we are hoping for something good! I have 208 Pis as of today, imagine if Pi gets to even $10, that would be $2080 total! What about if Pi gets up to $100 that would mean I am sitting on $20,800!! How exciting! I love the concept and the fact that we can mine from our phones, I think that's the greatest idea for cryptos and the developers also update the users on a daily basis and engage Pioneers on important decisions as well. It is the cryptocurrency of the people for the people and they know it! To me, Pi is a cryptocurrency to watch in the next months/years that could become the next Bitcoin!! So why not mine, it is fun, it is risk free and it might get you some $$$ later!

So mine while you still have time! 

You will need a reference code to start mining and receive 1 Pi so here is mine: weezy15