Let's see what 2022 brings

Seems like tech company numbers are going up, which I think should be good for Crypto. I don't know but I am kind of upbeat for 2022, perhaps because we have at last gotten rid of the right wing government we have had for 12 years. i am not completely against right wingers but these guys we had here were in power for so long they decided they were accountable to nobody and we have had the most corrupt government we have ever had, and that is saying something, Honduras has always been famous for corruption. I am expecting this new government will at least try to follow Costa Rica's example, we won't fix everything in four years but at least we need a start.

As for Crypto, this past week has been bad, are we in the bear market? I don't think so, gold prices are down so I think investors are buying into gold before it appreciates again, when this happens money will flow back to Crypto. Of course I know nothing about this and my predictions usually suck, but this time I think I am right.

In any case we still have the pandemic, seems we have a lot of cases in this country, but Omicron is not so nasty at least so far. I am hoping these are the death thralls of Covid and even if it is still around it will be not so hard on people, at least I am hoping this is so.

So, for a good New Year 2022 I wish all of you the best.