Largest Trading Community of Vietnam, HC Capital Collaborates with Constant

HC (Hup Chao) Capital, Vietnam’s largest trading community, has recently joined hands with Constant, a P2P lending platform. With this deal, they plan to offer traders and users great deals and the ease of acquiring better investments for their businesses.

Constant and HC Capital are set to come up with exclusive deals and trading prospects for the Vietnamese trading community, such as margin trading, portfolio diversification, and various other means to utilize cryptographic assets instead of selling them.

Unlike traditional P2P lending platforms, Constant ensures full security of returns for the lender; at the same time, it allows the borrower to borrow money irrespective of their credit history. Constant allows customers to fix their own rates and terms and gives the borrowers the option to take a loan against cryptocurrency collateral.

There is an option to earn high returns by following the right trading strategies. For example, customers can leverage their current assets to purchase more of the same asset if they expect growth in value. Also, if they anticipate an increase in the value of an asset, then the consumer can trade margins by taking a loan against one of the present assets to buy another. The traders can also borrow to earn blockchain rewards by meeting the minimum staking prerequisite.

Constant is a California based alternative financial services platform. It is the brainchild of a team of scientists, economists, engineers, and designers, who are fully committed to develop simple and sophisticated financial tools for the overly interconnected world. The mission of this organization is to design a platform that alleviates the inefficiencies in the banking system to give the world an efficient system to utilize their money to its full potential.

HC Capital is a cryptocurrency investment fund that was established in July 2019, with a monthly trading volume of over $70MM. This group of more than 12,000 Vietnamese traders finances promising projects. It also has the most active Telegram group, where the exchange of knowledge, news, and discussions related to the cryptocurrency market and blockchain industry takes place.