LABS AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Community


On 4th of March LABS conducted an AMA in Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was Yuen, CEO and Founder of LABS. Massive Interest from our Community to this AMa. Let’s take a look at most interesting points from our Conversation with Yuen!


Danny | Crypto Revolution: LABS AMA is Starting. Welcome Yuen.

Happy to have you with us today.

Yuen | LABS: Yes yes…just got here from another AMA. What a crypto life! Lol. Watch “Introduction to LABS Group” on YouTube

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Hah. Lol. I know you guys are quite busy.

Yuen | LABS: Danny, thanks for having me here:blush:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please introduce yourself to the Community and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto? ??

Yuen | LABS: Yes, let me intro myself. Hello all, thanks for having me here!

My name is Yuen, and I’m the founder and CEO of LABS Group, which is a digitised real estate investment ecosystem powered by blockchain.

My background has always been in blockchain and real estate, and that’s why I’m doing this great project with a great team!

Prior to launching LABS, I was Managing Partner for a UK property company and I’m still involved at times in Bitmart exchange as a partner doing protect collaboration.

This allows me to learn what makes or breaks a blockchain project.

And I happened to know a friend who became the CEO of Bitmart, and by helping him to conduct seminars I got involved in this amazing industry.

Everyday there is something interesting happening. Makes me feel younger everyday.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please introduce LABS in Layman’s term to the Community?

Yuen | LABS: Sure.

LABS, which stands for Liquifying Asset Backed Securities, is a Digitised Real Estate Investment Ecosystem, powered by blockchain.

LABS’ vision is to make real estate for everyone by changing the way people invest in real estate thru digitalisation, thereby solving the high involvement and transactional costs as well as illiquidity.

The blockchain powered ecosystem is comprised of:

1. Primary trading platform: the token issuance and Crowdfunding platform

2. Secondary trading platform: Digitised Real Estate Exchange, regulated and able to target retail investors.

3. Auxiliary DeFi platforms: staking pools, collaterised lending platform and integration of DEX. .

LABS tokens are utility tokens with the G.A.I.N.S. model, namely governance, access (to projects), Incentives, nomination (rights) and staking (for rewards).

So LABS is a very interesting hybrid model.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Which is pretty impressive. I never heard anyone doing that!

What were the challenges to utilize the real estates into Blockchain?

Yuen | LABS: The biggest challenge then, which has been made easier now, is the legality issues.

This in turn makes solving the liquidity issue much harder.

Becuz ST can’t be freely traded and faced a lot of restrictions, for example, only institutions or professional investors can invest.

However, nowadays governments are more acceptable to the digital and blockchain movements.

For example, DBS, the largest bank in Singapore and major shareholder is the Singapore government, is going to provide services on btc trading and ST trading.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: That’s awesome!

Yuen | LABS: And LABS is very lucky, we have gotten approval by the government to offer digitised real estate and is able to target retail investors.

That is a game changer in our opinion.

Plus, defi has made a great leap. And with decentralised collaterised lending, it gives even more liquidity solutions.

So now those property token holders can stake their tokens, borrow against them, reinvest and hence gain leveraging.

Just like the traditional way of mortgaging but without the need of going to the banks, fill forms and wait for months for the approval.

It now can happen in seconds. And you can stay at home. With a few clicks.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Insane. It is definitely Game Changing

Yuen | LABS: Power to the people.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Power from the people to the people ??

You will be doing triple IDO. Could you please share more information on that and how people can participate?

Yuen | LABS:

Here are the dates.

Well you do need some of the launchpad tokens in order to get the allocation.

If you don’t intend to do that, then you can get LABS tokens from uniswap, and that should happen in 12th March.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Save all the Dates guys. LABS is one of TOP Crypto Revolution Projects for 2021 and I’ll be working closely with them. I love the concept, the team, the partners they already have, everything.

Yuen | LABS: And we are seriously considering to giveaway a luxury resort unit as a lucky draw for the IDO and liquidity generation event.


Blockchain Firm Labs Group Taps Enjin to Tokenize Real Estate Assets - News Bitcoin News


The year has started with a batch of announcements regarding tokenization in various sectors. On this occasion, a…


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Take a read chat. It’s really interesting Article

Yuen | LABS: Enjin, the largest nft project, is our strategic partner.

Look at their recent token price, lol. What a pop.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Hah. Yeah. ????

And last question before we go to Twitter ones could you please share few words for LABS Tokenomics?

Yuen | LABS: Sure. Basically we are taking out 20 percent of the total supply for the fund raise.

The initial market cap is only 3.8M USD.

We understand that some might think it is high simply because they are so used to some defi projects that only have choose m fee lines of codes to start with.

However do remember…

LABS is a full ecosystem and vision is to change and disrupt the largest asset class of 228 trillion USD.

And we don’t even use the fund to acquire the license as we will already have it.

LABS things that we can be in the top 100 blockchain project in the foreseeable future and I guess you can check it out what’s the market cap to qualify on that.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. I am sure a lot of people will talk about LABS in the next weeks and months.

Yuen | LABS: As for the token design, I have to confess that I have to do a copy and paste operation here.

LABS tokens are Ecosystem tokens (Utility tokens) with our special G.A.I.N.S. model :

G.A.I.N.S model:


Our token holders can vote on important matters of interests.


LABS token holders can get early access to real estate projects that the ecosystem introduces.


LABS token holders can get incentives should they decide to get involved in our projects on our ecosystem.


LABS token holders can nominate projects they wish to be launched on our platforms and be rewarded.

…Staking (for rewards)

LABS token holders can stake the tokens to get rewards. LABS will use its governed 80 percent profit generated by the LABS ecosystem to buy back LABS tokens from the open market in a quarterly manner, and distribute to the staking pool in accordance to the size and days staked in the pool.

By buying back from open markets with the ecosystem profits, the token price would be boosted and holders will be rewarded when the ecosystem gets even bigger traction.

This unique mechanism will address the needs of short term investors and mid long terms holders.


Q1 from @Greyhair_08

Tokenization of properties leads to your asset considered as ‘security token’ with the real ownership on property right? Do you think this will spark any regulatory barrier or are you all safe in that area? How regulatory complaint is Labs Group?

Yuen | LABS:As mentioned just now, the exchange we are operating on are fully regulated and hence, we need to stay compliant.

Hence, KYC needs to be conducted which we think won’t be big issue since you have to do it at most exchanges anyway.

However, reminder here, LABS tokens are utility tokens. Hence they will have the full liquidity.

Yes LABS is a interesting hybrid model.

Q2 from @auvantam1

Holders of LABS tokens will have priority access with lowest price to real estate investments, is there a minimum amount of LABS needed to have access to these benefits? How is it profitable or sustainable for the platform?

Yuen | LABS: Yes, LABS token holders will have incentives such as discounts.

Remember LABS GAINS token model.

As for how much discount and such, we all work out some options and let the community vote. Of course the range needs to be reasonable as the company needs fund to grow.

Running an ecosystem won mean we need to balance the demand side versus the supply side (the project owners)

Q3 from @Romadel33

How does it benefit the real estate world, both sellers and buyers, to join L.A.B.S.? What kind of advantages in terms of financial transactions can a user achieve by using this platform? Is it possible to leave behind the traditional real estate business?

Yuen | LABS: Well on this, we have to look at it from two angles.

One is from the seller which is the property owners or developers.

Their need is to obtain funds or liquidity ultimately. And instead of going to the bank to obtain loans, which is pretty difficult nowadays and things are released in stages depending on completion stages.

They could instead come to LABS and obtain immediate funding from the crowd.

Of coz, thst is after the due diligence and valuation being done professionally.

They save on the interests and gene have more to give to the retail investors. And funding could be upfront.

Or they could go direct to our exchange and do an IPO or DPO, except that the P here stands for property, and obtain the fund they wish.

As for the retail investors side, it is easy. After digitisation, one can buy global real estate with just 100 USD, just like how you buy bitcoin.

And you don’t even need a bank.

And you can leverage like a professional real estate investor by utilising the decentralized lending platform.

So in short, yes, you can leave the traditional real estate industry if you wish, with LABS.

Just not for the house you want to live in as that’s a different play:)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Hah. Well said This was really great Explanation.


Q1 from Crypto Investor

Can you explain to me what is the fractionalization? In the site says “Eliminating the barrier of a high minimum investment”. it’s hard for the small user survive in the crypto market. How can this tool can help him?

Yuen | LABS: Fractionation, just like slicing up a pizza, so that it becomes very small slices which one can handle easily.

So after fractionation, or digitizing the shares of the investment holding company that holds the property title, investors can then invest in property in whatever denomination.

For LABS, we decided to set at 100 usd, as it is an amount everyone can afford and yet should be enoughto cover basic business operational costs.

When you say it is hard for small crypto investors to survive, I guess you are referring to most blockchain projects which could be extremely risky or even scammy that make it hard for smaller guys to tell.

However, dealing with protectors are usually safe. You just need to hold and leverage carefully and that’s it.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeap most of the people are scared from Scams

Yuen | LABS: That’s why almost all rich people have a hand in real estate..they need a place to good their ssset and yet provide a steady return.

Q2 from Jesus Freites

Real estate investment remains highly illiquid, requiring significant capital commitments. How will LABS help open up the largest asset class to new investors and provide existing investors with greater liquidity? How will LABS transform today’s real estate investment landscape?

Yuen | LABS: A bit similar but its okay:)

Imagine… If a unit is costing 500k USD to buy, how many can afford to have that as an investment? Well 500k actually is the lower price range of a very small unit in Hong Kong, where I am.

But if we tokenise that and make it available for people to invest at 100 USD, and also able to trade at that price or even lower, will liquidity increase?

And if that’s not enough, how about staking and borrowing on that?

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Wow ??

Yuen | LABS: And in future, even swapping property tokens just like uniswap

One day you hate London turns you can swap them to Tokyo tokens. Maybe.

In the past, we never imagined people will do shoppinge on their phone..look at now

There are even people whose love lives are conducted online… Or worse, even their sex lives are online…

So why not one day propertyw investment are conducted mainly online?

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeap. World is improving with every second. Also we never imagined something like COVID-19 will hit us. But everything is possible now.

Yuen | LABS: Blockchain is about removing middleman anyway…


Yuen | LABS: Well, some people in our telegram group asked us why do we need to go to these launch pads to do public sale. Why not conduct on our own website.

To be frank, given the huge success of our private rounds, closing the public round will be the easiest.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. Agree

Yuen | LABS: However, we are taking about LABS being an ecosystem. As an ecosystem, only way for it to work and prosper, we need to reach more people.

To let them know about us. Know about our use us.

Hence we choose to work with the top launch pads. I think most all be satisfied with our choices.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: There always will be unhappy people. Working with TOP Launch Pads is always way better than conducting the Presale on your Website for example.

Yuen | LABS: As for Mantradao, they decided to go another level. They decided not only for LABS to be their first project for their launch pad which is Zendit, they provide the staking and liquidity pairing solutions.

Hence we decided to partner with them.

I hope it makes sense.:relieved:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yes sir. Makes sense to me. Thanks for covering all this Questions Yuen.

Yuen | LABS:

Thank you @Boxmining interview with LABS Group Chairman Mahesh Harilela. Want to know how LABS democratize real estate investment by tokenizing and fractionalizing traditional property assets? $LABS #Cryptocurrency Check out the interview now:


Question: LABS token model is G.A.I.N.S.

Tell me what is A and in your opinion, how does it work?

Best Answer: Access!

LABS token holders can get early access to real estate projects that the ecosystem introduces.


Telegram User:

A lot of scam projects out there, guess what guarantees that your project is different from them? Are you planning to burn or buy back any tokens from the market in the future? Do you have such programs?

Yuen | LABS: Many blockchain projects are on paper only and no product or product has no practical meaning.

LABS team had been advising traditional projects how to go on blockchain. Now, it has completed its Crowdfunding platform, built in Boston of course, and has obtained the license to be the first ever Digitised Real Estate exchange.

To further enhance the ecosystem, LABS has even integrated Defi components to offer its investors the chances to leverage on their real estate investment.

All these are solid steps that took the team 2 years to arrive where we are today.

Our chairman Mahesh is from the renowned Harilela Family which owns 19 hotels. Our advisors include listco chairman and also famous influencer such as Boxmining.

Hope that is enough to convince you and others.

Telegram User:

How does the Labs Token Burn System work? Do you have a specific system?

Yuen | LABS: LABS token holders can stake the tokens to get rewards. LABS will use its governed 80 percent profit generated by the LABS ecosystem to buy back LABS tokens from the open market in a quarterly manner, and distribute to the staking pool in accordance to the size and days staked in the pool.

By buying back from open markets with the ecosystem profits, the token price would be boosted and holders will be rewarded when the ecosystem gets even bigger traction.

This unique mechanism will address the needs of short term investors and mid long terms holders.

Telegram User:

NFT and Defi are one of the trending trends in the crypto market and they are effectively expanding with many new projects coming up in the field. What do you think about the development of NFT and Defi? Which area are you focusing on at the moment? (DeFi, Stake,Dapps..) and what is your goals in this year ?

Yuen | LABS: For NFT we have formed a partnership with Enjin, the largest NFT project.

We are likely to do it this way.which is to use nft for reach hotel room

So using NFT here has got different usage case than just digitising the entire hotel. Becoz:

  1. Income of the rooms are directly related to the NFT

2. Some might prefer to buy rooms than just Tokens of the entire hotel

3. NFT can be traded on markets such as Opensea

4. Individual rooms would have individual historical performance that more directly represents the value of the NFT

5. You can easier design time sharing onto that NFT, even generate QR codes for the room access etc.

Telegram User:

As you know Covid-19 has a large impact in the crypto Market, So How can your company maintain its project ? In 2021, which direction is your project towards economic and community development? What are your top priorities for this year? Can you share it?

Yuen | LABS: Actually, hate to say this really, but covid situation helps our business adoption.

As follows

The timing is perfect:

… Adoption of Crypto currencies (even by institutions)

… Advent of CBDC/DCEP (aka digital RMB) raised awareness and acceptance

… Covid further expedites digital revolution as well as making property owners more willing to explore other ways

Telegram User:

Apart of real estate Which other types of assets have you planeed to imprememt?

Yuen | LABS: No, LABS really only want to focus on real estate.

As it is the largest asset class by itself.

It’s pain points are real and can be addressed by tokenisation.

And property developers have unique set of needs that LABS can really help.

Telegram User:

So, traditional REITs have to basically distribute 90% of their profits to their ‘holders’.

1. What’s the profit-sharing model like at LabsGroup? Will management fees differ per individual asset, or would there be platform-wide management fee on all assets? If so, what %’s should we be thinking of? Would we also be able to see the license/purchase terms of each individual asset and their location for due diligence?

2. As well as, I’ve invested into one of your competitors for quite a while now — we’re seeing only whitelisted addresses can interact with the platform, is this going to be the same with LabsGroup, requiring KYC?

Yuen | LABS: Well the percentages are similar but the savings and fees are not.

When you buy into traditional reits, the entry and exit costs are actually higher. The admin fees and management fees as well.

Let me share later here some of the comparison.

Your second part: the main difference between LABS and them I would think (and I’m guessing here) is that LABS can target retail investors Ang they can only target professional investors.

And if they are U.S. Based, they face restriction.

But the same for us is that we do indeed need to conduct proper KYC when the tokens move.

REITs comparison:

Can any investor invest in REITs?

Can REITs be invested with 100 USD easily?

Can REITs returns be distributed directly into your wallets?

Can one invest in global REITs easily?

Can REITs be traded easily and at a low costs?

Can REITs be staked to borrow digital currencies to reinvest and hence leveraging?

Can REITs give you the Liquidity you want?

Can REITs operate as a low cost investment vehicle?

Well LABS can.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Final Words?

Yuen | LABS: Only hope my answers make sense as I couldn’t think well now.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Haha. Your Answers are good. Don’t worry ??

Yuen | LABS: Last words…together we can change the way people invest in property and let’s make property investment for everyone.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: ???????? Thanks man. It was really good AMA!


  1. Telegram group —

A/ Telegram Announcement Channel —

B/ Telegram News Channel —

2. Twitter —

3. Medium —

4. Uptrennd —

5. Facebook —


7. Discord —

8. Linkedin —

9. Reddit —

Website: ( Update Coming soon )







