Kucoin now selling - Theta - US Investors rejoice

Kucoin now selling - THETA - US Investors rejoice


US investors have been waiting and waiting and waiting for COINBASE to start selling Theta. Well the fast and nimble firm, Kucoin has used their size and brilliance to out pace Coinbase and start to offer Theta to US investors.  Ha I love it!  I was dreading having to continue to wait for Coinbase then the fear of the day when my price targets are realized and then Coinbase goes offline for US retail investors.  

US Government demands 4X Internet bandwidth - and the carriers can't keep up with demand. Which translates into we need a different solution to the problem. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22344741/2021_0304_Bipartisan_Broadband_Speed_Letter_FINAL__1___1_.pdf

My belief is that only Theta can bring the changes to the Internet that we need and the speed at which it takes place.  Recall Theta lowered the staked Theta requirement for Edge nodes from 10K to 1K earlier this year.  Rumor has it that this staking requirement will be lowered to perhaps 500.  This allows many more people to stake Theta and provide the resilience to the Blockchain all while earning TFUEL. 

Think about this IF, and this is a big IF, Theta gets Samsung to allow Theta nodes to run on each Samsung TV's smart with only say 100 Theta staked.  WOW, there are a lot of Samsung smart TV's out there and if they could enable this with a firmware update.  The number of blockchain nodes would be up exponentially very rapidly!  

Kucoin - https://www.kucoin.com/

Anyone have any customer experiences with KUCOIN they would care to share with the rest of us? It would be much appreciated!



Sure its another account and yet more KYC but I think Theta is something that will bring financial independence to you and your family. Additionally I see Theta as a Bridge to our Sci-Fi future!


Enjoy the Journey!