Jealous XRPtards Trash Bitcoin and Cry

In my previous article

XRP: The Last Gasp of Centralized Finance

I correctly labeled XRP as a scam and its CEO as a scammer. I don't want the SEC in crypto, but idiots like Bradley and his zombie followers just invite the shit. I had a couple of XRPtards try to "educate" me on XRP by completely deflecting into straw man arguments about bitcoin. Two guys started talking about centralization and completely missed the point of my article.

XRP is as centralised as BTC and has nothing to do with the reason it is getting attacked by the SEC.

XRP is connected to a company with a CEO. Bitcoin's founder walked away and was never the CEO. Also, the bitcoin centralization you talk about comes through market forces rather than a purposefully centralized structure. I warn people against accepting market centralization repeatedly. Anybody who knows anything about what I've written knows I'm light years ahead of you on this subject. That centralization nonsense is a stupid, technically flawed argument made in bad faith and the XRPtards know it. Here's another one:

You also ask how is XRP ranked 3 …Well how is BTC ranked 1? It’s an out of date prototype that is not able to fulfil [sic] the role it was created to do.

Let's suppose I concede that bitcoin doesn't do what it was originally intended to do. Well, neither does Coca-Cola, which was originally intended to be cough medication. Neither does Viagra, which was created to treat hypertension. Tie-dye, Wheaties fucking cereal, the heart pacemaker, fucking bubble wrap, and on and on and on.

Bitcoin is still number one because even though it doesn't do what it was originally intended for (your words, not mine), IT STILL HAS A FUCKIN USE CASE. XRP IS USELESS.

I'm not even a bitcoin maximalist. If bitcoin was useless, I'd say so. I'm not just trying to take a side and win an argument — I'm trying to make money, elevate the crypto space and uphold common sense. XRP does none of these things with its fake shit product that nobody wants, the shitcoin that the shit CEO dumps on dumb followers and the dumb arguments its followers make to justify buying that SHIT. Just shut up and scalp it! This isn't hard! You don't have to pledge undying fealty to a coin to make money from it!

You wanna go to the equally as dumb "Ripple is a company; XRP is a token" argument? There would be no Ripple if not for idiots buying into the coins Bradley dumps on your heads every quarter. Ripple only exists because of XRP, so anything you say here is pointless. The companies are connected legally, financially and ethically, and to say otherwise is just trying to be right for no reason.

A centralized currency with a CEO and textbook insider trading strategies as its only pumpamentals deserves to be relegated to the back of crypto. XRP is nothing more than a speculative vehicle for idiots to trade in and out of. I don't understand why those people just don't trade in and out of it and shut up. Why do you get so mad just because someone calls out the bullshit? 

I know why. It's because you're still not in profit. You guys bought at the top and you're mad that all this FUD is keeping XRP down from levels where you can sell. It's not that I'm wrong. It's just that you're bad traders. The people who were up 400X from XRP's inception aren't yelling and screaming. Well, maybe they are, but the yacht they own is so far offshore no one can hear it.

Take the loss and redistribute your money into projects that aren't scams, XRPtards. First rule of trading: You don't have to make your gains back from the asset you lost on. That's called revenge trading, and you'll lose every time if you do that.

Cripple Ripple. SEC every XRP. Cefi and Brad Garlinghouse go to hell.