(JCAS) - JaiChai's Altcoin Spotlight: "Litentry"

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About JCAS - 

JCAS articles feature whatever catches my eye about an altcoin project, plus my own musings about its hype, support structure, viability, etc.

If I happen to own any of the project's tokens, I will provide an FD (FULL DISCLOSURE) statement.

(image by author)

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(JCAS) - Litentry

(image by morioh)

Currently, the DeFi space requires an average 140% collateral for almost all of its financial products.


Because applicants are unidentified, unknown flight risks.

That's where Litentry comes in with a protocol to provide minimum ID information for DeFi security.

It also solves the problem of air drops to multiple addresses that may be held by one user.

Other attractive things about Litentry (symbol: LIT) :

*A candidate for Polkadot parachain.

*Cross-Chain capability (can you say, "AAVE, Compound, Uniswap, etc.).

*Excellent tokenomics - unlock period begins in 2025.

*In spite of hockey stick uptick this month, IMHO, still has a lot of upside to go.

(image by cryptorank)


By JaiChai


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JaiChai 2-18-2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.