Is there someone that can buy all Bitcoins?

Did you ask for yourself once, if someone out there is able to buy all available Bitcoins on the market?

Well, if we check the current circulating BTC assets of around 18 million Bitcoins and multiply this amount with the actual BTC value of at least $ 9200, we have an approximately value of $165,6 billions worth of BTC on earth.

According to Forbes statistics of billionaires rank list, there could maybe more than one billionaire that hypothetically could buy all or the majority of all Bitcoins, without mentioning all other well known cryptocurrencies available worldwide.

An interesting note is, how would such an investment effect the market value and attraction to cryptocurrency for new users or already owners of this asset? Can the general interest and demand for Bitcoin increase and the worth grow much bigger than before or fall down to the opposite way?

I can imagine that if one billionaire would buy the majority of Bitcoins as example, because they are investors, entrepreneur with big and important trademarks, foundations and companies, they can for sure find an innovative way to invest in future projects using the blockchain. But, because the Blockchain is a new project, a big investment nowadays in Blockchain projects of such proportions is a little difficult to imagine. Maybe we have to wait a few more years to see new or already established projects with more advanced Blockchain technology come true.

What do you think about this possibility in the near future?