IQONIQ, the Future of Fan Engagement

The world is now more connected than ever. But still, sports and entertainment fans are expected to collect the content they desire on multiple platforms, with communication expected to flow in only one direction: from the star to the fan. IQONIQ unites all the content from idols and organisations in sports and entertainment on one platform, adding unique opportunities for fans to enter a two way relationship with stars and fellow fan.

Fans in the sports and entertainment world are some of the most committed in the world. Often, they sacrifice a lot of time and money into supporting their idols and organisations in sports and entertainment, without receiving much in return. IQONIQ enables idols and organisations in sports and entertainment to give something back to their most loyal and devoted followers, with a range of exclusive benefits.

Sports and entertainment have a unique ability to unify and promote social change. To do more than entertain but also influence the world for the better. IQONIQ recognises this and has its bigger purpose deeply enrooted in supporting good causes, by enabling fans, idols and organisations in sports and entertainment and brands to give so mething back to society and promote a better world in an open and 100% transparent manner.



One of the main objectives is to create your own token with which to buy on the platform.

In 3 months this token will go on sale in COINBASE and will be called IQQ


IQONIQ IQQ Token Usability By using their tokens, users can gain access to options that may include:

• Access to a club’s new gear several days before its release to the general public.

• The opportunity to participate in «ask the star» conversations with an idol.

VIP access to sports fields.

• Special production video and exclusive content.

• Priority access to tickets for matches, shows and events.


Each month, 10% of IQONIQ’s monthly income is entered into a reward fund that is distributed to fans based on two factors:

1) their level of engagement on the platform.

2) the number of IQQ tokens they have had throughout the month. Being active on the IQONIQ platform and having IQONIQ tokens, fans will be eligible to receive a portion of these rewards. Membership discounts and other items: Depending on the number of tokens you have, premium membership will be available at a discount of up to 100% of the standard price.


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