Importance of Global Reach of Crypto

Previous post: Why Open Blockchains Matter 

Globalization is in full swing and all most successful enterprises using internet to reach customers and business partners around the globe. For them borders had become invisible and irrelevant.

Cryptocurrencies, thanks to their digital environment, also see no borders and every project which confine himself in regional space is doomed suner or latter.

Governments love borders because they can restrict freedom on them. Every time you travel a broad, you have to answer intimidating questions: why you travel, if you have something to declare, how much money you possess at the moment...

For me, always is interesting having in my mind, that my Bitcoin is already there, where I'm going. Bitcoin is everywhere an I must just sign a transaction whit my private key and I'm rocking.

People who working abroad can send money home for a fraction of fees transborders money processors charges. Charites can be transferred frictionless and because govts cannot control Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrences a stage to real peer to peer commerce between any of citizens of the world is already set.

There is only lack of determination for opting out of old inflational economies. But critical mass is building up and sooner or later we will separate hard money from the state and begin to pick the fruits of our financial freedom.

** to be continued.....