I hit 50,000 views on Publish0x in the last 30 days

Prety exited about this. I've been mostly writing about all the exciting developments that have been going on for Tezos. For this occasion I'll write about how I set up my PUBLISH0X account and the content I write.

I first started writing about several topics and projects, but got more and more interested in Tezos. So quite fast I was mostly writing about Tezos. This appeared to be a good strategy. Building an audience is done by writing consistently about a specialized topic. On top of that, the more you focus on a specific topic, the more specialized you become in that field.

I started engaging more on twitter and posting my articles there to increase my audience. Quite a bunch of articles I posted on Twitter got picked up nicely and got retweeted. After a while I noticed people started to post my articles on Reddit and Twitter. My most successful article is "An introduction to Tezos", which is still being used as introduction by people. It's about to hit 18 K views one of these days. Still gets an average of 20 views per day. These are all non Publish0x users, so no tipping involved. But the purpose is to educate people about Tezos.

And lately got myself a cool retweet by eToroX:


Creating an audience outside of Publish0x is a good strategy to get to the popular page though. So even though most of these people don't tip, they do contribute to the amount of views on Publish0x as well. Simply by pushing the article up in the "popular" stats.

Although I always include a link for people to sign up in my articles, my affiliate stats are pretty pathetic. Not even .80 cts in over a year.

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is this: write about what you love most and where your interest lies. The biggest reward is getting your point across.