I bought Grammarly premium.

I decided to boy Grammarly premium a few weeks ago because I want to improve my article and make it easy for readers to understand my message on each of my articles. I have written at least one piece each day, but many users told me that it could be a good idea to correct some of my punctuation mistakes and check for consistency so that readers can make sense of what I am saying.

Pretty much, I bought Grammarly to improve my writing and to give an easy time to my readers. Now I write for noise and read cash, and many that may read this article may be interested in knowing if buying the premium version could improve their income, and I will answer that the best way I can. The short answer to the question is, Can I make more money by buying the premium version of Grammarly?

The answer to that question is no, you won't see any difference in your income or tips, you won't see any improvements that way, but I think you should think in the long term and not the short time. Having fewer mistakes won't improve your tips or income, but it will make it easier for your audience to understand your message, so in the long term, you could get a better benefit because more users will be willing to read your content.

We know that eventually, Rosty the bot will run out of funds and have to rely on tips from the public for income. At that point, you will be better off if you already have a following of real humans that could be willing to step up and give you a few tips. If people can't understand what you are saying, it will be harder to get by when Rosty is out of the picture.

The other reason will be that if you love to write and make your opinion heard, having such a service could be a plus because it will improve your reach in the community. Not everything must be just about money. The good things often come for free, and spending some of my income on improving my writing skills is a plus in itself.

I bought my premium version for just $72 for a whole year using my credit card. I already paid for it using my fiat income, I thought to use my Bitcoin Cash for it, but I decided to pay out of my pocket because I wanted to reserve that money to open my own LN channel. My next experiment will be better to put those 72 dollars into an LN channel so that I can receive my $30 Chivo bonus and to show people that to receive that money, you will need more money to host your keys and that many won't' be able to afford that.

I am trying to say that 72 dollars are better invested in Bitcoin Cash, opening a channel on LN to prove Lighitngin Network fees. But for a service like Grammarly, I instead use my fiat money. And I think that if you're thinking of getting that service, you should do it from cash out of your pocket instead of exchanging your satoshis for fiat to pay up that service.


If you are looking to buy Grammarly premium, try to do it because you love the idea of writing better for your readers and not because it could improve your income, and if you are looking to buy it, make sure you do it for the right reasons and at the right price as well. I paid $72 because I waited for a 50% discount offer, and I am pretty sure if you are already using their free service. Eventually, you will get the same offer or a better one.

I am not getting pay to write this article in any way or form. I am just letting my readers know what I am doing to improve their experience when reading my content. Please, if you like my content, subscribe, like, and comment.