I am done talking about cryptocurrencies in the real world.

I am done trying to tell my friends and family why currencies like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and others are needed. I am done trying to explain why they are getting poor with every dollar printed by the Federal Reserve that is not even a reserve of anything at all. And I am also done trying to tell them that even $1 put aside on cryptocurrencies will make the difference in the future.

I am just done because people can't understand what they don't wish to learn. After all, working a regular job takes your energy away. You are tired enough not to want to learn a new thing, even if that new thing may save you from that slavery system of working for money that loses value at the whim of a banker and his money printing machine.

People don't understand inflation because they don't have enough time to study it and learn how inflation is created in the first place. If you were to tell them how it is made, they wouldn't believe you either way. They would probably call you conspiracy theories for telling them how the inflation process works and how the government and central banks are creating inflation and fiat currencies. Not only that you could even hurt their feelings because they may think you are offending them for not knowing such a basic concept, but people may also get offended by just realizing they don't know something, not to mention if your tongue slips up and imply that in the first place.

Some people may even understand inflation, but they don't understand how Bitcoin could become just like money in the future as dollars are today, they don't understand how they can go from buying goods and services denominated in Bitcoin instead of dollars, and they don't know that the market can force a government to change its legal currency once its fiat currency becomes worthless because of too much money printing.

I have something obvious, and I know that things will be priced in satoshis instead of dollars in the future. Suppose fiat currencies continue to be devalued by central governments and central banks that tomorrow will come much sooner than later. In that case, the only thing I don't have clear is how the transition from fiat money to peer-to-peer money will be and how one must protect himself in that turmoil.

No one knows the future as a certainty, but we can plan to the best of our abilities. We know governments and central banks work together to print money. As such, our savings lose purchasing power, so the best solution to that problem will be to save on assets that the government can't print and can't seize either. 2009 that was not possible but with the invention of Bitcoin now holding on to an investment that the government can't publish or grab is now an option, as long as you are smart enough to understand you must control your private keys and use the Bitcoin protocol as it supposed to be used which is always having control of your money by custoding your funds.

Those who don't understand that today will get it tomorrow or in a few years when their assets denominated in dollars become worthless almost overnight, or it will feel almost like overnight. Still, in reality, for years, they have been losing value against the actual asset that is indeed the ultimate form of digital property and currency, "Bitcoin." I will not debate in this article if Bitcoin Core or the other alternatives of Bitcoin like Bitcoin Cash will be the ones that will succeed. Still, in the end, only one coin will be the one that will bear and take to the new future where saving money will make sense again.

Speaking of savings because of how fiat currencies work, even saving has been a long forgotten ability by many since holding fiat currencies is a losing game. With the money that third parties can't print away, that ability will have to be reached again. The masses will have to learn to save a penny today to have money to invest tomorrow and build a better future, even saying it has been forgotten under fiat currencies. I am pretty sure people will have it complex learning to save again especially when using credit cards and getting on debt is an endeavor that is much easier to do but dangerous for almost most individuals.

When Bitcoin and other altcoins hit all-time highs again, and I dare to say when Bitcoin hits one million dollars, many more people will open their eyes and start to read to understand why cryptocurrencies are going up in price. In other words, people will be only ready to learn once they notice what they have missed up. The rich being rich have been participating since or before 2017, it will be the poor who could benefit the most that will learn at last and buy just when all gains will have been made, but unfortunately, that is the world we live in those that can benefit the most are the ones less willing to invest.

Buying cryptocurrencies is not just about making more fiat gains is about understanding the reason they exist in the first place because in my opinion, if you don't understand that simple concept, you will end up selling too soon, but to understand that you must be willing to learn and set some time apart to learning. Still, people will only allow themselves to learn once their bosses pay them in that asset, not a minute sooner. In other words, the working poor will only learn about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies once their bosses at their jobs start to pay them in those assets. And the rich will not pay salaries in Bitcoin until Bitcoin becomes a unit of account; by that time, almost all profits and opportunities to buy will be gone and done.

You may think that keeping myself quiet will kill the market and that if everyone that knows about Bitcoin shuts their mouth, Bitcoin will not increase in value because others will not be willing to buy it. You will be wrong. , those that don't wish to learn today will have to remember tomorrow and buy up at a much higher price. After all, Bitcoin is the asset that lets us give in to our greed.


I am done talking about cryptocurrencies in the real world, but I will continue doing it on the internet for those willing to listen and read my content. Bitcoin will succeed because of humans' greed and the need for money that any party can't print.