Hummingbot Partners with to Bring New Features

Open source crypto trading network Hummingbot announced on Thursday that it has partnered with leading crypto trading platform CRYPTO.COM to add new features to the exchange platform. As per the official tweet, these features include bot trading option and liquidity mining, and the integration with will be complete with the latest v0.31 update.

In the official blog post on its website, Hummingbot termed the strategic partnership important, as both the parties are committed to provide trading efficiency and liquidity to their users. Founded in 2016, is one of the leading trading networks in the world, boasting a user base of more than 3 million. It aims to provide a robust alternative to the traditional financial system, with its multi-dimensional offerings like mobile application, payments card, and the online exchange.

Hummingbot is a crypto mining node software solutions provider based in Silicon Valley. The platform is focused on building solutions for small and midsize investors who seldom have access to high-quality market strategy products, and gives them an opportunity to lower their risk by providing liquidity. As part of the agreement, Hummingbot will allow liquidity mining campaigns on by integrating its data systems and infrastructure with the exchange. In return, will offer reward pools for Hummingbot users as a reward for facilitating liquidity on its platform. 

In short, Hummingbot will offer an affordable alternative of professional market makers to users, which will help them in efficient and economic token trading. Hummingbot will also provide CRO incentives to new users who register on using a unique affiliate code.